Updated November 15, 2024 with book titled THE HATE AND SADISM THAT THE INDIGENOUS SUFFER. INDIGENOUS AND EAST ASIAN BEAUTY, AND EROTICISM. That last book that I uploaded in the update contains evidence of how this website has suffered hacking attempts by powerful and elite criminals, evidence of how I suffer persecution by criminals related to the United States government , with Freemasonry and with the CIA, and evidence of how I have been censored many times on social networks (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (today X)) and on YouTube.
In 2024, the military police (PM) of Brazil continue to murder indigenous people of the Guaraní-Kaiowa ethnic group:
If Lula cared about the indigenous people, he would not allow the police to do this to them, he would not brainwash them with pacifism and equality, and he would give them weapons to defend themselves.
Therefore, damn the majority, damn the television and damn the politicians when they treat indigenous people who defend themselves or take revenge as savages, criminals or terrorists.
The majority does not comply with those Judeo-Christian teachings of Jesus Christ to forgive everything, turn the other cheek and love your enemies, because deep down the majority knows that these teachings are an offense to dignity, and the majority defends themselves, if the majority is attacked, the majority also attack to defend themselves.
But the majority wants the indigenous people to love their enemies, be pacifist, forgive everything, turn the other cheek and not defend themselves because that is part of the instinctive hatred they feel towards the indigenous people, that is why they want the indigenous people to be masochists who allow they do everything to them.
If indigenous people demand that their rights be fulfilled, the damn majority says they want privileges.
When the majority never suffered expulsion from their territories, the majority never suffered replacement, the majority never suffered State oppression, the majority never suffered the hatred of the police, the majority never suffered the hatred of the military, the majority never suffered the burning of their houses, the majority never suffered famine, the majority never suffered water poisoning, the majority never suffered the hatred of politicians, the majority never suffered a reduction in their population and the majority never suffered massacres.
So the damn majority are the privileged ones who always vote for politicians who harm the indigenous people and the majority are indifferent to the lives of the indigenous people.
And the majority of the indigenous people, in addition to having their minds colonized by the Judeo-Christian beliefs brought by the European colonizers, by pacifism, by equality, and by not knowing that the farming of bulls, cows, sheep and goats is a product of colonization, they also suffer brainwashing, believing that only white people harm them.
It is not about whites against indigenous people. It is about a majority that is not indigenous (which includes Europeans, Creoles, mestizos, whites, browns, blacks, zambos and mulattoes) against the indigenous people and against the environment because they are selfish, individualistic, noisy, consumerist and only care about the money.
It is as I explain in my writings that the farming of bulls, cows, sheep and goats is what pollutes and destroys the environment the most.
However, the majority will continue eating the meat of these animals brought by the European settlers, drinking milk and will continue consuming dairy products, because for the majority their tastes and interests are above life and above the environment.
And it’s not that the majority have to be vegan or vegetarian, they can eliminate the consumption of meat from these animals brought by the European settlers, eliminate the consumption of milk and eliminate the consumption of dairy products, and eat other meats such as fish, but the majority is a fool.
In fact, most of the soy cultivation that also destroys the Amazon and invades indigenous territories: most of this soy is used to make fattening concentrates for cows, bulls, sheep and goats.
Left and right are part of the same plan, therefore, the blue Masonic apron and the red Masonic apron, and the Masonic chess floor with the colors black and white.
On the one hand, the Right and the Neoliberals promote hatred of indigenous people and hate speech against indigenous people, and on the other hand, the Left only gives crumbs to the indigenous people, brainwashes them with pacifism so that they do not defend themselves and brainwashes them with multiculturalism so that the indigenous people do not take back the continent and are not the only ones who govern the entire continent.
If I care for butterflies and caterpillars, I have to kill their predators, such as spiders, wasps and ants, to protect the butterflies and caterpillars. And if I take care of the bees, I also have to kill their predators like spiders, wasps and ants to protect the bees.
If I care for a child and a serial killer or rapist is going to harm that child, and to protect the child my only option is to eliminate the serial killer or rapist, it is right that I eliminate the serial killer or rapist to protect the child.
But, a pacifist, instead of defending the weakest, the most vulnerable and the most innocent, which is the child, what a pacifist like a New Age hippie would do is defend the rapist and the serial killer, stating that he only needs love and light to change and preventing him from receiving what he deserves and causing him to go unpunished.
Since I was a child, I would collect and care for the following butterfly caterpillars, and then set them free when they turned into butterflies, this is my favorite caterpillar:
But one time when I was a child, some ants entered the place where I had these caterpillars, and the ants ate the caterpillars and the pupae, the ants eat the caterpillars by biting them. I enjoyed spraying poison on the ants and watching them die.
The majority defends those who harm the most vulnerable, defends those who harm the weakest, and defends those who harm the most innocent. And this same majority harms the weakest, harms the most vulnerable and harms the most innocent, and that is what the majority has always done with the indigenous people.
The truth should be that it doesn’t matter that most mestizos have indigenous ancestors or say they have had an indigenous ancestor like a grandfather or great-grandfather, because the majority of mestizos are in their way of being, in their way of thinking, in their tastes and in their vision of the world like the Europeans, they also despise the indigenous people, they are also indifferent to what the indigenous people suffer and they also vote for politicians who harm the indigenous people.
Most men and most women are cowards because they believe that harming the weak is strength, they believe that harming the vulnerable is power, and they believe that harming the innocent is bravery.
Pleasure hunting, bullfighting and cockfighting were brought to this continent by European colonizers.
Since before Christianity: Europeans such as the Celts, Slavs, Vikings, Greeks and Romans practiced hunting for pleasure without it being a necessity to survive, which is why they believe that harming the most vulnerable, the weakest and the most Innocents is power, strength or bravery depending on your stupidity.
In Brazil; Politicians, military, police, landowners and invaders of indigenous territories continue to do this to the indigenous people:
Many times when indigenous people who live on the edges of the streets, hungry and suffering from needs like the Guaraní, try to recover their territories, they are called invaders by the criminals who hate them, by the damned politicians, by the damned television and by the damned majority of people stupid.
The indigenous people were on the continent before all of us, so the invaders are the majority of those who are not indigenous (European immigrants, creoles, mestizos, blacks, zambos and mulattoes).
The Guarani-Kaoiwa and other ethnic groups are often on the streets, suffering from hunger and need, while agribusiness criminals are millionaires. Furthermore, the breeding of bulls and cows is what pollutes and destroys the environment the most, and landowners use these territories to raise bulls and cows.
And this happens in Brazil, but it is the same thing that happens in all the countries of the continent, the same thing happens in: Canada, United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador , Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay.
In all countries of the continent to which the colonizers gave the name America: the non-indigenous majority have always voted for Right-wing, Neoliberal or Left-wing politicians who harm the indigenous people directly or who allow the indigenous people to be harmed.
In all countries of the continent to which the colonizers gave the name America: the majority that is not indigenous has always been indifferent to what the indigenous people suffer, they have always rejected, hated and despised the indigenous people.
In all countries of the continent to which the colonizers gave the name America: the majority watch movies, series and cartoons that promote hatred of indigenous people. Because, even if a movie, series and cartoon where indigenous people appear claims to represent them in a good way: they are all made to promote hatred of indigenous people in one way or another.
Many Argentines who hate indigenous people say that the Mapuches are invaders and that they exterminated other indigenous ethnic groups, but in reality these Argentines who say this are those who descend from Spanish and Italian invaders who exterminated most of the members of different indigenous ethnic groups like the Qom and others in the so-called conquest of the desert, and in the genocide of the Selknam ethnic group.
The concept of countries is something colonial and did not exist on the continent before colonization. Before colonization: the Mapuche lived in what is now called Argentina and Chile.
Before colonization: The Yanomami lived in what is now Brazil and Venezuela. Before colonization: The Guaraní lived in what is now Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia.
Before colonization: The Ngobes lived in what is now Costa Rica and Panama. Before colonization: The Mayans lived in what is now Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador.
I am white and mixed race, but I accept that most white people are bad and I accept that most mixed race people are bad.
All those who harm indigenous people, such as politicians, elites in power, police, military and the majority of non-indigenous people, should be sentenced to death.
Television, politicians, the elites in power and the majority call this shit civilization, development and progress:
The majority that is not indigenous will never change, they are leading the world to destruction and there is no way to eliminate the majority of those who are not indigenous, and on the other hand, the majority of indigenous people have their minds colonized and there are ethnic groups that already are very mixed with other races, but they believe themselves to be indigenous.
Genetically pure indigenous people are those who retain East Asian features, and many genetically pure indigenous people are of great physical beauty due to their East Asian features:
Download by clicking: II PART OF WRITTEN TO DISCLOSE BY ALL POSSIBLE MEANS (28 descargas )
Please, to the small percentage of humans who consider themselves good like me because if you care about indigenous people, spread this text by all possible means, download my free books at:
Download by clicking: THE ORIGIN OF THE SYSTEM AND THE CURRENT SITUATION (32 descargas )
Download by clicking: PART 2 OF THE ORIGIN OF THE SYSTEM AND THE CURRENT SITUATION (28 descargas )
Download by clicking: RITUALS AND SPIRITUAL PRACTICES (20 descargas )
Download by clicking: Livestock, colonialism, climate change and indigenous (20 descargas )
Download by clicking: FORMS OF EVIL: BIBLE, RIGHT, CONSPIRANOY AND NEW AGE (14 descargas )
The next seventh free book in PDF called THE EVIL AND IGNORANCE OF THE MAJORITY was added on August 27, 2024 and it is very important that you read it like the other six books. Download by clicking: THE EVIL AND IGNORANCE OF THE MAJORITY (21 descargas )
In the following screenshot, the Right-wing YouTuber named Emmanuel Danann affirms that Jesus Christ is censored and like every Christian who believes that Satan is real, he relates Coca Cola to his belief in the devil:
Although there are also right-wing and neoliberal atheists and agnostics, right-wing and neoliberal pagans, and right-wing and neoliberal satanists:
Most of the most influential people like Emmanuel Danann or Agustín Laje, and politicians like Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump are conservative fanatics of Christian religions and it is quite noticeable.
It is like the conservatives who invent conspiracy theories, it is quite obvious that they are fanatics of Christian religions and even more so when they mention the New World Order of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast 666 by means of a Microchip and the 2030 agenda where they deny climate change because In the word of his Judeo-Christian god he says that his god created humans as the center of everything so that they would dominate or rule the earth.
Genesis chapter 1, verse 28: God blessed them and said to them: Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it.
Genesis chapter 9, verse 2: All the animals of the earth will tremble with fear before you. All the beasts of the earth, all the birds, all the reptiles and all the fish will have to submit to you.
But the majority pays attention to all these people who are right about the only thing they are right about is the criticism of fanatical feminism, but the majority pays attention to everything, because the majority does not reason.
What these people say offers them a confirmation bias to what they already think or believe, most of them do not like to take responsibility and they like to be treated like capricious and spoiled children, and most of them love to victimize themselves (believing that they are victims innocent and harmless when it is not true).
It’s like how all these horrible and nefarious people use the word ideology, for these people only everything that contradicts Christianity and everything that contradicts conservatives are ideologies.
When ideology is any system of ideas, but for these people the system of Social Darwinist, predatory, genocidal, conservative and Christian ideas are not ideologies for these people.
I have read New Age books where they write that Old Testament characters were ascended masters and they mention Jewish words like Adonay and another of Jewish origin as if they were mantras, even once read someone who wrote about the psalms of the Bible giving them an esoteric meaning.
I read several that said that Moses and Abraham were ascended masters and beings of light, and where they worship YHVH. Others say that YHVH and Jehovah were two different gods, but Jehovah is formed by adding a vowel after each letter, it is formed like this: YeHoVaH, it is the same god only that those people invent.
The thing is that those who gave rise to the New Age were Freemasons and also people from the CIA who promoted LSD, so Freemasonry is that: a mixture of Judeo-Christian with Persian, Greek and Egyptian, that’s why they use the eye of Horus or Ra, something absurd because the Jews defame the Egyptians in the Old Testament and leave them as the worst in the Old Testament.
The Freemasons believe that Hiram, who is a character from the Old Testament who built the Temple of Solomon, was the first Freemason, and before being a lodge they were the builders of the Gothic cathedrals in Europe because freemason means construction worker.
Conservatives who invent conspiracy theories say that Freemasonry seeks to destroy Christianity and establish a New World Order that will bring about the Antichrist.
The Catholic Church and other Christian religions say that Freemasonry is the enemy of Christianity and that it seeks to eliminate Christianity. And the Masons themselves say that at one time they were banned by the Catholic Church.
But I can prove that this is not true with the following examples:
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento was an Argentine politician, writer, teacher, journalist, soldier and statesman. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento was president of Argentina between 1868 and 1874. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento belonged to Freemasonry:
The fact is that Domingo Faustino Sarmiento was Catholic. The ACIprensa website is an official site of the Catholic Church and the following is accepted: Sarmiento promoted Catholic teaching in Argentina.
The same Catholic church that promotes the lie that Freemasonry attacks the church is the same Catholic church that accepts that the freemason Domingo Faustino Sarmiento was a promoter of catechism and Catholic religion classes in schools in Argentina.
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento said: – For the savages of America I feel an invincible disgust without being able to remedy it. Those scoundrels are nothing more than some disgusting Indians. Lautaro and Caupolicán are lousy Indians, because that’s how they all are. Incapable of progress, their extermination is providential and useful, sublime and great.
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento said this phrase: – We would like to remove from all American social issues the savages, for whom we feel, without being able to remedy it, an invincible disgust, they are nothing more than disgusting Indians, whom we would have had hanged and would have hanged now, if reappear in a war.
I am a firm believer that genetics do influence behavior. When Domingo Faustino Sarmiento says that he feels an invincible disgust towards the indigenous people without being able to remedy it, I really believe that these people in power have an instinctive hatred for the indigenous people that is influenced by genetics, something similar to a predator and prey.
John Milton Chivington was a member of the Christian Methodist church. And John Milton Chivington was another member of Freemasonry:
John Milton Chivington, who was part of the Christian Methodist church, led the Sand Creek Massacre in the United States. John Milton Chivington scalped indigenous people, cut the bellies of pregnant indigenous women and removed fetuses, and cut off the male and female genitals of indigenous people as trophies.
John Milton Chivington said: -Cursed be the man who sympathizes with the Indians, I have come to kill Indians, and I believe that it is just and honorable to use any means under God’s heaven to kill Indians.
In the Masonic lodges they place a Bible on the altar and have even made prints of the Bible with the Masonic symbol on the cover:
There are people who write that Freemasonry has no relationship with Zionism and that Hitler believed a lie that Freemasonry has a relationship with Judaism because of the book The Protocols Of The Elders of Zion.
But in the Masonic lodges they use that seven-branched Candelabra called the Menorah, which is a Jewish symbol:
Julio Popper, who was Jewish and a Freemason, was one of the causes of the genocide of the indigenous people of the Selknam ethnic group:
And as part of the sadistic pleasure that this caused him, Julio Popper made photographic albums as trophies in which he included these photographs:
The following is another photo where in a Masonic lodge they place a Bible on the altars:
Masons of the grand lodge of Argentina celebrate receiving the secretary of the Grand Lodge of Israel:
Pablo Lázaro, president of the Grand Lodge of Argentina and José Cohen, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel:
Andrew Jackson belonged to the Presbyterian Church and was a Freemason, Andrew Jackson was elected President of the United States twice because he promoted the Indian Removal Act which promised to expel many Indians from their territories so that non-Indians would have benefits and economic freedom.
Andrew Jackson led an extermination against indigenous communities, highlighting his brutal war against the Muskogee Nation. The Battle of Horseshoe Bend became a tragic symbol of the violence perpetrated by Jackson and his troops.
The atrocities committed, such as making horse reins from skins torn from the bodies of Muskogee indigenous and sending souvenirs to the ladies of Tennessee, were etched in American history.
Andrew Jackson sparked the Trail of Tears which was the forced journey of Cherokees from Georgia and Alabama to northeastern Oklahoma where thousands of them died due to the extreme conditions imposed by the United States Army.
The Muskogee, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw also suffered significant losses during their own forced marches.
Freemasons also create lodges in honor of Andrew Jackson, such as the Andrew Jackson Lodge which has this page on the internet: http://www.andrewjackson120.org/
And so much so that conservatives who invent conspiracy theories invent that Freemasonry is an enemy of the church and the system promotes that lie, and in the following photographs there are Catholic priests supporting the Freemasons:
So they are pure lies that Freemasonry has no relationship with Judaism and that Freemasonry is the enemy of Christianity, but knowing what it is like, the majority believe these lies of the system because support their beliefs:
What Freemasonry does is to worship the Judeo-Christian god and his servants, and at the same time mix it with Egyptian, Greek and magical practices is offensive because they are invoking a Judeo-Christian god who condemns with death any type of magic and worship of other gods:
Exodus chapter 22, verse 18: -You will not let the sorceress live.
Exodus chapter 20, verse 3: -You will not have other gods before me.
Deuteronomy chapter 7, verse 25: -You will burn the sculptures of their gods in the fire.
Like the Jews, the Freemasons give me bad energy, and more than their members are politicians and people of power, but unfortunately you cannot criticize the Freemasons without being confused with those conservatives who invent conspiracy theories.
And that’s what conservatives who invent conspiracy theories do to divert attention from what Masonic lodges really represent.
There are even parts of the Bible where this Judeo-Christian god promotes cannibalism and I challenge anyone who does not believe me not to be a coward and look up these chapters and verses in their Bible for themselves:
Leviticus chapter 26, verses 26, 27 and 28: If you still do not listen to me, but proceed against me in opposition, I will proceed against you in anger, and will punish you seven times for your sins. And you will eat the flesh of your sons, and you will eat the flesh of your daughters.
Deuteronomy Chapter 28, verse 53: And you shall eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of your sons and your daughters, which the Lord your God gave you, in the place and in the trouble with which your enemy will distress you.
Jeremiah chapter 19, verse 9: And I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and each one will eat the flesh of his friend, in the siege and in the hardship with which their enemies and those who seek their lives will surround them.
But what is convenient for them, these religious people say, is that it is exactly as it is written, and what is not convenient for them is that it is metaphors, symbolic, or taken out of context.
In the Quran, Muhammad copies part of the Old Testament:
Quran, surah 16, verse 51: -Allah has said: Do not take two gods! He is only One God! Fear Me, then, and only Me!
Speaking of the Right and the Neoliberals like Agustín Laje, and the pro-lifers: in cases of abortions due to rape they oppose because they say that the child, referring to zygotes, embryos and fetuses (because these people do not distinguish that zygote, embryo and fetus are three stages different from pregnancy) is not to blame for the woman being raped.
But, it turns out that the Judeo-Christian god that all those people worship did believe that children and fetuses were to blame for what adults did because he ordered the killing of children and pregnant women:
Isaiah chapter 13, verse 18: They will sweep away the young with bows, they will not have mercy on the fruit of the womb, nor will their eyes have mercy on the children.
Hosea chapter 13, verse 16: Samaria will be desolate, because she rebelled against her God; They will fall by the sword; Their children will be dashed to pieces, and their pregnant women will be cut open.
Psalms chapter 137, verses 9: Blessed is he who takes and dashes his little ones against the rock.
Then we also see the hypocrisy of pro-lifers who oppose abortion in any case and at any stage, but worship a god who orders the murder of children and pregnant women.
And they contradict each other because at the same time they say that the Bible is the word of God, so when it does not suit them they say that it is the mentality of the people of that time, and when it suits them they say that it is the word of God, they never agree.
On the other hand, many of those pro-lifers oppose abortion because they say they defend life, but they support politicians like Jair Bolsonaro, Javier Milei, Guillermo Lasso, Donald Trump and others who promote hate speech against indigenous people, who promote extermination of indigenous people, the expulsion of indigenous people from their territories and the invasion of indigenous territories where indigenous children are also harmed, but because they are indigenous children, these pro-lifers do not care about their lives.
Jair Bolsonaro and his son Flavio Bolsonaro appear in photos in Masonic lodges where they wear the blue apron:
While Michellet Bachelet, who is a feminist and who participated in ONU Women, appears in Masonic lodges wearing the red apron:
So this black and white checkered chess floor means that they manage things that appear to be contrary in quotes:
And all these disgusting and rotten people, whether they are from the Right and Neoliberals or the Left, are all related to Judaism:
There are parts of the Bible where the Jews recognize that the fictional character of their god YHVH or YeHoVaH is the same fictional character of the devil or satan invented by themselves:
2 Samuel chapter 24, verse 1: The anger of the Lord was kindled again against Israel, and he incited David against them to say, Go, take a census of Israel and Judah.
1 Chronicles chapter 21, verse 1: But Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.
This cynicism of the Jews (who are a harmful religion and not a race, although they love to pretend that they are innocent and harmless victims) of recognizing that their god YHVH or YeHoVaH represents the same fictional character as the devil or satan, is the same as the Masonic duality of the black and white checkered floor, and the red apron and the blue apron, which represent false opposites in the service of the same master.
There are parts of the Bible, where the prophets of this god invented by the Jews, recognize that this god that the majority considers the true and perfect, is a fictitious god who is a liar:
Jeremiah chapter 4, verse 10: And I said, Alas, alas, Jehovah God! Truly you have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying: You will have peace; for the sword has come to the soul.
2 Thessalonians chapter 2, verse 11: Therefore God sends them a deceptive power, so that they believe a lie.
But, the cynicism of Jews and Christians has no limits, when they recognize that the fictional character of the Judeo-Christian god represents exactly the same as the fictional character of the devil or satan:
John chapter 8, verse 44: Your father is the devil; You belong to him, and you try to do what he wants. The devil has been a murderer from the beginning. He doesn’t stand by the truth, and he never tells the truth. When he tells lies, he speaks as what he is; because he is a liar and is the father of lies.
Also this god invented by the Jews is bipolar and contradictory:
In Deuteronomy chapter 24, verse 16: Parents cannot be put to death for what their children have done, nor children for what their parents have done, but each one will die for his own sin.
But, in Isaiah chapter 14, verse 21: prepare to kill the children for the crimes their parents committed.
In Leviticus chapter 1, verse 3: If the animal you offer as a burnt offering is your livestock, it must be a perfect bull.
But, in Isaiah chapter 1, verse 11: I have had enough of your burnt offerings of rams and the fat of calves; The blood of bulls, rams and goats disgusts me.
And this thing about false opposites is also in Zionism and neo-Nazism, which are sides of the same coin:
During a conference before Zionist Jews, President Jair Bolsonaro said that there will not be a centimeter of land demarcated for indigenous people:
Both the Right and the Left are the same garbage. But, Right-wing and Neoliberal criminals who use the word progressive and left-wing as insults believe that in the name of money the indigenous people can be exterminated, that in the name of money the indigenous people can be oppressed, invade their territories and cause them harm, and that in the name of money indigenous people can be expelled from their territories.
It is one thing to recognize that money is important and that we live in a system where we need money to live, and another very different thing is what the genocidaires of the Right and Neoliberals do by placing money above life. Money is important, but it can never be above life.
Also, they say that indigenous people do not work, when I have met many indigenous people who harvest coffee and who work in crop fields. But, even if they did not work (which is not true) that does not justify hatred, it does not justify extermination, it does not justify the expulsion from their territories, it does not justify the invasion of their territories and it does not justify the indifference of the majority.
Jair Bolsonaro met with the Right-wing deputy in Germany named Beatrix von Storch who is the granddaughter of a former Nazi finance minister during Hitler’s Nazi regime.
Bolsonaro also appeared in photographs together with a council candidate from his former party who dressed like Hitler.
Bolsonaro also met with the Zionist named Netanyahu and attended the Wailing Wall in Israel with this Zionist.
Jair Bolsonaro’s sons named Carlos Bolsonaro and Eduardo Bolsonaro, who reflect evil in their faces and in their genes, have also been photographed wearing t-shirts in favor of the Israeli army and Mossad, which is Israel’s intelligence agency.
In Brazil, the Bolsonarist deputy named João Henrique Catan recommended and promoted Hitler’s book titled My Struggle in the Legislative Assembly in Mato Grosso do Sul.
Rocío de Meer, who is a representative of the VOX party in Spain, was discovered broadcasting videos from a Nazi propaganda channel.
Jorge Bonito Vera who is a member of the VOX party in Spain, belonged to the Nazi organization called the Aryan Brotherhood.
VOX is also related to Jewish Zionism because it supports the State of Israel just like Jair Bolsonaro and his sons.
The state of Israel was founded on May 14, 1948 with the help of the United States and the European Union. The president of the United States and a freemason named Harry S Truman participated, who gave his recognition to the creation of the state of Israel, and the British minister Arthur Balfour with the Balfour Declaration.
They always promote deception with false opposites that are not really opposites: Freemasonry and Christianity, right and left, Zionism and neo-Nazism.
During the dictatorship of Efraín Ríos Montt in Guatemala (1982-1983), 250 000 people were murdered and 45 000 disappeared, the majority of the victims were indigenous people of the Mayan-Ixil ethnic group, the military was trained by the United States Army.
25 000 of the murdered people were children of the Mayan ethnic group. But, there is something else, this genocide had the support of the United States, but also of Israel. Israel was the one who provided weapons to the Guatemalan army to murder indigenous people.
But then these Jews pretend to be innocent and harmless victims through politicians, royalty, television and movies. And anti-Semitism does not exist because Jews are not a race, Jews are a disastrous and harmful religion just like Christian religions and Islamic religions.
It is as stupid for someone to claim that Jews are a race as it is for someone to claim that Christians and Islam are races, it is the same stupidity.
The following is a screenshot of a news story titled: ISRAEL, DIRECT COMPLICE OF THE GENOCIDE IN GUATEMALA.
There is also evidence of how New Age does promote Judaism and Christianity:
David K Miller writer of the book about the belief in visiting aliens and ascended masters called: Connecting with the Arcturians. He asks people to repeat the mantra Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai to ascend to the fifth dimension, this mantra is a worship of the Jewish god YHVH and Adonai is another of YHVH’s names.
These types of mantras are also repeated in Jewish Kabbalah as a way of worshiping the Jewish god.
In the book New Age about the belief in aliens who visit us and ascended masters called The Keys of Enoch, by J J Hurtak it is stated that the Jewish god YHVH is the creator of the universe and that characters from the old testament such as Moses, Isaiah, Elijah and Abraham are ascended masters.
That life exists on other planets should be irrelevant to everyone and no one should care. The only thing that should matter to all of us is taking care of and protecting life on our planet Earth.
Samael Aun Weor, founder of the New Age sect called Gnosis, in his book titled A Treatise on Occult Medicine and Practical Magic, states the following: because AUN WEOR is the only prophet of JEHOVAH.
YeHoVaH is another name for YHVH that is formed by adding a vowel after each letter (YHVH = YeHoVaH).
Another example of this is the book ANGELS IN A SPACESHIP, by Giorgio Dibitonto where we can read the following: After reading the book, it will be useful to reread the Glory of the Lord that appears in Ezekiel, the burning bush from which the Lord spoke to Moses before putting him at the head of his people, columns of disks and spaceships, and many other biblical testimonies in the same sense.
Always in cultures before Christianity, the sun gods are mentioned in this way: the Egyptian Ra drove a boat through the sky, the Greek Helios a chariot of fire with horses of fire, the Celtic Belenos also driving a chariot of fire and the Slav Dazhbog also driving a chariot of fire.
It is logical that, being gods of the sun, the boat of Ra and the chariot of fire of the other gods are metaphors for the movement of the sun. But, the Jews copied the chariot of fire from those cultures without understanding the meaning and then the New Agers believe that it was a flying saucer.
Freemasons influence on a political and social level, but not as conservatives who invent conspiracy theories say because Freemasonry is not opposed to Christianity. Judaism infiltrates everything and distorts it from within.
And that Freemasons influence everything is a fact because many presidents have accepted being Freemasons and have never hidden it. Juan Diego Castro is a famous lawyer and member of Freemasonry in Costa Rica:
In the government of President José María Figueres Olsen together with the Minister of the Interior and Police, Juan Diego Castro, on June 24, 1996, both signed Decree No 25296-G that very negatively affected the indigenous people of the Indigenous Reserve of Cocles.
Point number 2 of the decree says the following: 2°-That the delimitation of the Cocles Indigenous Reserve was not the most appropriate because it includes a coastal area near the mouth of the Cocles River, that has not been inhabited by indigenous people in the last two hundred years.
What the decree did was reduce the Cocles Indigenous Reserve to less reserve land.
There is a post on a New Age sect website titled: Christopher Columbus, Visionary of a Free World. In this publication it is claimed that Christopher Columbus was an incarnation of the ascended master Saint Germain.
Logically, this text where they claimed that Christopher Columbus was an incarnation of the ascended master Saint Germain was later deleted.
To make a comparison:
Imagine that I invite you to my house, but at the same time I invite someone who did very serious harm to you or a loved one, you would not feel good in my house.
The same is when these New Age invoke other gods and spirits of nature, but at the same time they invoke the god of the Bible and his servants when he is a god that condemns all types of magic and all worship of other gods.
That is, they are invoking other gods and spirits of nature, and the enemies of those gods who are the god of the Bible and his servants, therefore, I see it as a lack of respect for the gods and spirits of nature.
And the Judeo-Christian god and his servants have no relationship with nature, however the gods and spirits of nature live within nature and are not separated from nature.
Deuteronomy chapter 4, verse 19: Lest you lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the host of heaven, and be moved to worship and serve them.
The Jews wrote this to attack those of us who believe in sun gods and moon goddesses. And even more serious is that the Judeo-Christian god orders those of us who worship sun gods and moon goddesses to be killed:
Deuteronomy 17, verses 2 to 5: – When there is found among you, in one of your cities that the Lord your God gives you, a man or woman who has done evil in the sight of the Lord your God by transgressing his covenant, who gone and served other gods, and would have bowed down to them, either to the sun, or to the moon, or to the whole host of heaven, which I have forbidden; and notice was given to you, and after you heard and had investigated well, the thing would seem truly certain, that such an abomination has been done in Israel; Then you will bring out to your doors the man or woman who has done this evil thing, whether male or female, and you will stone them, and they will die.
So when a New Age person worships a sun god or a moon goddess, and at the same time the biblical god and his servants, he is worshiping a Judeo-Christian god who orders him to be stoned to death, and there the incoherence and lack of logic of the New Age and Freemasonry.
I want to remember that the inquisition first defamed and insulted the victims before torturing them, forcing them to talk to each other through torture and then burning them alive at the stake.
And that is precisely what conservatives who invent conspiracy theories do, saying that anyone who does not agree with Christianity and who does not agree with Christian conservatism is the Illuminati, a reptilian, and other nonsense, just as the inquisitors accused their victims of being devil worshipers, having orgies with the devil and other nonsense.
For example, since Greta Thunberg contradicts the idea that her Judeo-Christian god created nature for humans to dominate, they even say that Greta is a neo-Marxist antichrist with stupid posts like the ones shown in the following two screenshots:
And the most serious thing is that it is a serious matter because they act just like the inquisitors of the Middle Ages, but many people take what these modern inquisitors write as entertainment and promote them.
In fact, those of us who do not believe them are called sleepers or low-vibration beings just because we do not agree with them in the Judeo-Christian beliefs that the majority have always had.
The most stupid thing is that they believe they are revolutionaries promoting Judeo-Christian beliefs that the majority has always had, so: where is the revolutionary if they repeat the same old thing?
Because they are the same as inquisitors of the Middle Ages, only they change the speech of accusing Satan worshipers and having orgies with the devil for the speech of accusing Illuminati and reptilians, the same thing, but with different words. And they seek the same thing to impose Christian conservatism.
Also, many people through ignorance may think that the gridded floor of Freemasonry and the Yin Yang mean the same thing, especially those Christian conservatives who invent conspiracy theories.
But, they don’t mean the same thing. The Masonic chess-like floor refers to opposites or contraries who are in a competition or battle similar to the game of chess.
The Yin Yang refers to complements that are united in harmony, that are not in battle and are not divided:
In fact, the black dot in the white part of Yin Yang refers to the fact that light has some darkness and the white dot in the black part refers to the darkness having some light.
And light is the masculine energy which is the active part of nature and darkness is the feminine energy of nature which is the passive part of nature. Light and Darkness do not mean good and evil.
But, this is part of feminine energy and masculine energy is also misinterpreted by New Age groups: both the sects that go on the side of machismo and misogynism and the sects that go on the side of fanatical feminism and misandric.
They do not understand that feminine energy and masculine energy do not refer to sex, or gender, or even sexual preferences. Feminine energy and masculine energy are within all humans regardless of sex, gender or sexual orientation, and feminine energy and masculine energy are within all beings that populate nature.
It often happens that New Age groups take part of Eastern wisdom, but distort and deform it so much that it loses its original meaning.
The Church of Satan was founded by Anton LaVey, and for the satanic bible Anton LaVey is based on Ayn Rand who wrote in favor of Social Darwinism and in the book Power Is Reason also in favor of Social Darwinism.
Then, from the Church of Satan, the Temple of Set emerged, founded by Michael Aquino. The Temple of Set affirms that Satan is the same Egyptian god Set, and Michael Aquino promoted and defended Social Darwinism.
Social Darwinism is the belief that the strongest should displace the weakest or that the strongest should dominate the weakest, it is the same as what someone who bullies, a bullfighter, someone who hunts for pleasure thinks, a colonizer or a sexist.
These people, in their stupidity, believe that the teachings of Jesus Christ to turn the other cheek, forgive everything and love your enemies defend the weakest, the most vulnerable or the innocent.
But, really, when the fictional character of Jesus Christ teaches to love one’s enemies, to turn the other cheek and to forgive everything, he is telling the weakest, the most vulnerable and the innocent to forgive those who hurt them, to love their enemies and turn the other cheek to those who harm them.
The teachings of Jesus Christ to love your enemies, forgive everything and turn the other cheek, do not defend the weakest, do not defend the most innocent and do not defend the most vulnerable, in reality, they defend those who harm the innocent, they defend those who harm the most vulnerable and defend those who harm the weakest.
The majority does not comply with those Judeo-Christian teachings of Jesus Christ to forgive everything, turn the other cheek and love your enemies, because deep down the majority knows that these teachings are an offense to dignity, and the majority defends themselves, if the majority is attacked, the majority also attack to defend themselves.
But the majority wants the indigenous people to love their enemies, be pacifist, forgive everything, turn the other cheek and not defend themselves, that is why, when the indigenous people defend themselves or take revenge, the majority, politicians and television always treat them savages, terrorists or criminals.
It is now normal for the Right and Neoliberals to accuse the Left of being pedophiles and invent conspiracy theories like PizzaGate or to invent conspiracy groups like QAnon to accuse the left of pedophilia.
But, the Right and Neoliberals have always covered up and defended pedophiles such as religious leaders such as Catholic priests and evangelical pastors who sexually abuse children or rape minors.
Eduardo Verástegui, who now pretends to be a saint and a puritan, in the past he was an actor and model who posed naked for photos and videos, but now he claims to be a Catholic, claims to practice chastity, and is a right-wing politician who is a friend of Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Javier Milei.
The Catholic Eduardo Verástegui together with a Mormon Hollywood actor promote the film Sound of Freedom where they claim to denounce the sexual trafficking of minors and the sexual abuse of minors, when they have never cared in the least about the number of cases of pedophilia within the Catholic Church and the Mormons.
For me, Jesus Christ is a fictional character, but if Jesus Christ were a real being, to people who suffered sexual abuse or rape in their childhood when they were weaker and more vulnerable, Jesus Christ would tell them to have love for their enemies, that is, to have love for those who sexually abused or raped them, Jesus Christ would tell them to forgive everything, that is, to forgive those who sexually abused or raped them, and Jesus Christ would tell them to turn the other cheek, that is, to allow them to continue abusing or raping them.
You can imagine how disgusting it is to tell someone who suffered rape or a mother whose child was killed to love her enemies, to forgive everything and to turn the other cheek.
Therefore, I do not understand the stupidity of the majority to believe that these teachings of Jesus Christ are good or that they defend the weakest, the most vulnerable or the innocent, when in reality they are quite the opposite.
In fact: the teachings of Jesus Christ to love your enemies, forgive everything and turn the other cheek are made so that the strongest oppress the weakest and so that the weakest allow the strongest to oppress them.
These teachings of Jesus Christ do not defend the weakest, and are made to favor governments and elites by telling their victims to forgive them everything, to have love for them and to turn the other cheek.
I think that if someone doesn’t hurt me: I don’t have to hurt them, whether I like that someone or not, If someone doesn’t hurt me and I don’t like them, I turn away or walk away and don’t hurt them.
But, if someone hurts me: why do I have to love them? Why do I have to forgive everything as an obligation? And why do I have to turn the other cheek?
To me, those teachings of Jesus Christ to love your enemies, turn the other cheek and forgive everything seem like an insult to the dignity, and even more an insult to the dignity of people who have suffered injustices such as bullying, abuse, rape, massacres, hate crimes, state oppression, torture and expulsion from where they live.
Really, those teachings that insult dignity are disgusting.
In the following photo is Eduardo Verástegui supporting Donald Trump:
When the case of Jeffrey Epstein came to light, he sexually exploited women who were minors and even had an island where he took teenagers to people of power. These photos of Donald Trump with Jeffrey Epstein were released where it is clear that there was a friendship:
Donald Trump said Jeffrey Epstein was just an acquaintance, but the photos prove that they did have a close friendship. I do not deny that there are Left-wing politicians involved in cases of pedophilia, it is obvious that they also happen on the Left.
For me, the political Left and the political Right are the same. The problem is that groups like QAnon, and disgusting characters like Una Alienada, Emmanuel Danann and Agustín Laje Arrigoni accuse only the Left of pedophilia, but they cover up and even justify Right-wing and Neoliberal politicians who are involved in cases of pedophilia.
And when Catholic clowns like Eduardo Verástegui and Mormon clowns like Timothy Ballard produce a film like Sound of Freedom where they pretend to care about human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors, they are quite hypocritical because they don’t care that the high hierarchies of the Catholic church like The popes cover up pedophile priests and they do not care that the same thing happens in the Mormons or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The following is a screenshot of a news story about Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) titled: The Pope covered up the priest who abused my son.
The following screenshot is from a news story titled: The Vatican knew about Maciel’s abuse. It’s the last straw that he doesn’t recognize it!
The following screenshot is from a news story titled: John Paul II’s indifference to the abuses of the founder of the Legion of Christ.
The following screenshot is from a news story titled: German sexual abuse victim accuses Benedict XVI of complicity and cover-up.
And the majority of humanity is also complicit and guilty of these sexual abuses and rapes of minors committed by religious leaders for justifying them with the fact that they are simple errors (when sexual abuse and rapes of minors are crimes and are not errors), for wanting that the issue not be talked about, for continuing to believe in these religions, and for wishing that these criminals be covered up and that their crimes go unpunished.
The following screenshot is from a news story titled: Life sentence for polygamous Mormon leader who abused minors.
The following screenshot is from a post titled: Mormons and the Sexual Abuse of Children.
But, about these cases of pedophilia within the Catholic Church and the Mormons, Eduardo Verástegui’s clown and Timothy Ballard’s clown never speak.
And, by the way, in relation to the Mormons or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this shitty Christian sect founded in the United States and which is also related to the New Age (New Age) because they give importance to whether life exists on other planets when what should matter is protecting and caring for life on this planet Earth, wrote this about the indigenous people in their texts:
Jesús El Cristo, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Spanish edition 1975, page 57: The Nephites and Lamanites spread north and occupied northern South America and then, crossing the Isthmus, they extended their dominions throughout the southern, central and eastern regions of what is currently the Northern United States.
Jesus The Christ, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Spanish edition 1975, page 57: -The Lamanites, even as they increased in number, suffered the anathema of God’s displeasure; Their skin became dark, their spirit went astray, they forgot the God of their fathers, they gave themselves up to a wild and nomadic life and degenerated into the fallen state in which the Indians of America, their direct descendants, found themselves, when the continent was again discovered at a later time.
Jesús El Cristo, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Spanish edition 1975, page 777: -The red-skinned Lamanites returned to their degenerate customs.
Book of Mormon chapter 3, verse 6: – And the skin of the Lamanites was dark, according to the sign that was placed on their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brothers Nephi, Jacob, Joseph and Sam, who were righteous and holy men.
And there is a relationship between Mormons or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with Freemasonry. The following screenshot is from a news story titled: Freemasonry and the Mormons.
The following photograph is of Glen Cook who is Grand Master of the Masonic lodge in Utah and a Mormon, and the cover of the book called: Mormonism and Masonry, by Rubén Legidos.
By the way, there is no evidence that the indigenous people of this continent are a tribe of Israel that went astray and was cursed by that Judeo-Christian god as the Mormons claim.
But, what there is evidence of both physical traits and genetic studies is that the indigenous people of this continent are genetically related to East Asians such as Mongols, Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipinos.
But, since these people are, they probably have even made up stupid videos and stupid writings claiming that East Asians are a lost tribe of Israel that went astray.
Criticizing miscegenation and being against miscegenation does not mean harming someone for the simple fact of being mestizo and it does not mean insulting someone just for being mestizo.
Neoliberal or libertarian criminals such as Marcelo Gullo and Gloria Álvarez have compared the criticism of miscegenation to Nazism:
But the criticism of miscegenation and being against miscegenation, has not caused massacres of mestizos, has not caused concentration camps for mestizos and has not caused violence against mestizos.
On the other hand, throughout this continent from always until the present there is violence against indigenous people by politicians, military, police and invaders, massacres of indigenous people, reduction of the indigenous population by a significant percentage and even concentration camps for indigenous people.
The photos of the genocide of indigenous people of the Selknam ethnic group in Chile and Argentina are an example of this, but there are more examples such as the following:
Extermination of indigenous people in the Wounded Knee Massacre in the United States and by the United States government:
Massacre of indigenous people in 1932 that occurred in El Salvador by order of General Maximiliano Hernández Martínez:
Nile Massacre in Colombia in 1991 where 20 indigenous people were murdered:
In Brazil, there was a concentration camp called Granja Guaraní where indigenous people of the Krenak ethnic group were taken as prisoners during the military dictatorship.
Indigenous people of the Selk’nam ethnic group kept in a concentration camp:
In the following photograph, the Lonkos, Tehuelches, Inakayal and Foyel and their families in a Patagonian concentration camp in Argentina:
Extermination of indigenous people in the Putumayo Genocide that happened in Peru:
Genocide of the indigenous people of the Ache ethnic group in Paraguay in the 1960s where the survivors were taken to a concentration camp where they died of hunger or disease:
The criticism of miscegenation and the opposition to miscegenation has not caused the same things to be done to the mestizos that have been done to the indigenous people.
And the majority, television and politicians always mention the Holocaust that the Jews suffered to present them as innocent victims and to accuse any criticism of the Jews of racism, but they never mention everything that indigenous people throughout the continent have suffered in the past and are suffering in the present.
For all this that the indigenous people have suffered, it is not their fault to have their minds colonized with Judeo-Christian beliefs brought by the European settlers and not to know that the farming of bulls, cows, sheep and goats is a product of colonization.
This is always the fault of the majority and not the indigenous people.
And that miscegenation is part of the plan of governments and elites to eliminate indigenous people is something that the same Freemason and Catholic politicians in Mexico accepted:
Francisco Bulnes and others affirmed that, to incorporate the indigenous people into society, the indigenous people had to lose their language, lose their customs and continue with biological miscegenation, so that after a short time they would all become white.
Porfirio Diaz was a member of the Freemasonry:
Porfirio Diaz also had the habit of having portraits represent him as white as a way to support the whitening of new generations through miscegenation.
The following is a screenshot of a news story titled: José Vasconcelos, Freemason and Spiritualist.
José Vanconcelos said: – It is time to proclaim, without reservation, that both the Aztec and the civilizations that preceded it, formed an aborted case of humanity. The only way to save such decayed towns is the one that the Spanish used, miscegenation legalized by the Papal Bull that authorized marriages between Spaniards and natives. And with miscegenation, the total replacement of the old soul with a new soul, through the miracle of Christianity. The fact that we have so many millions of Indians in Mexico should not sadden us, as long as the traditional tendency persists.
When these people talked about spiritualism, they were not referring to the belief in spirits from cultures that believe in other gods. It is the spiritualism founded by Allan Kardec that is based on Christianity.
The reason why I affirm that Allan Kardec was based on Christianity to found this spiritualism is because in his writings Allan Kardec affirmed that only humans have a spirit, which is the same as what all Christian religions affirm, and also some of the books of Allan Kardec make reference to Christianity: The Gospel according to Spiritualism (1864), Heaven and Hell or Divine Justice according to Spiritualism (1865).
In an excerpt from The Gospel according to Spiritism, Allan Kardec writes: – Good spirits, make these words find access to that soul that is still backward, so that they can help it get closer to God. We beseech you in the name of Jesus Christ, who had such great power over evil Spirits.
In Allan Kardec’s books there is not a single mention of other gods and nature spirits, but there are many mentions of Jesus Christ and the Judeo-Christian god. The curious thing is that Allan Kardec is considered the founder of the spiritualist movement, but about invoking spirits of the dead, the god invented by the Jews says this:
Deuteronomy chapter 18, verses 10, 11 and 12: Let there not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices divination, or a soothsayer, or a magic-user, or a sorcerer, or an enchanter, or a soothsayer, or magician, nor one who consults the dead. For anyone who does these things is an abomination to Jehovah.
It seems that Allan Kardec, before inventing this Christian spiritualism, did not read what his god invented by the Jews thinks about invoking the dead.
Continuing with the theme of miscegenation, miscegenation is an extermination of indigenous people also at the level of way of being, way of thinking and vision of the world. Because the vast majority of mestizos (with very few exceptions), no matter how many indigenous traits they have, tend to be like Christian Europeans and not like indigenous people in their way of being, way of thinking and vision of the world.
The greatest example of this is Mexico: there the culture so based on the Catholic Church, bullfighting, cockfighting and that macho ranch culture comes from European colonization and not from the indigenous people. But, there are also many mestizos in Mexico who hate the indigenous people, call them prietos in a tone of contempt and are indifferent to what they suffer.
Also many mestizos say that mestizaje is improving the race, and that is hatred of the indigenous people because they are saying that the indigenous people are a defect or something inferior that needs to be improved through mixtures with other races that according to them are better or superior, also the phrase reflects contempt for the physical features of the indigenous people.
Indigenous people have always been brainwashed into believing that only white people hurt them, but it’s not about white majority vs indigenous people. It’s about a non-indigenous majority (regardless of whether they are white or not) against indigenous people.
If you ask the majority if they hate the indigenous people, the majority will always say no, and they will mention politically correct phrases such as that we are all equal and other similar ones.
But, they have always been indifferent to what indigenous people suffer and have always voted for politicians who harm indigenous people.
But, they have always watched series, cartoons and movies that promote hatred of indigenous people.
But, if they always mention the word racism they only think of black people and never of indigenous people.
But, if they always have an indigenous person at their side, it bothers them that they are quiet, it bothers them that they are simple in their way of being, they are bothered by their reddish skin, they are bothered by their East Asian features, they make fun of them or make contemptuous gestures or look over them.
But, if the indigenous people defend themselves or take revenge, they have always been considered bad, savages, terrorists or criminals.
And when they talk about indigenous people as roots it sounds like roots that are underground, and when they talk about indigenous people as ancestors it sounds like ancestors that belong to the past.
It would be different if they talked about having an indigenous ancestor like a grandfather, grandmother, or great-grandfather, but they generally talk as if all indigenous people were ancestors.
Both YouTube and social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (X) and others) allow comments that hate indigenous people, and when the majority sees these comments they are indifferent.
And YouTube and social networks do not censor these comments and do not delete the accounts that make them, in fact, as part of the popularity of the Right and the Neoliberals or libertarians, Hispanism (defense of Spanish colonization) is very fashionable.
Many also write hateful comments about indigenous people based on the fact that their ancestors are East Asians, and YouTube and social media allow such comments.
But, if someone made hateful comments about black people based on the fact that their ancestors are African: YouTube and social media would delete those comments and the accounts that make them.
The word Indian is even still used in a derogatory or contemptuous way to refer to indigenous people, when Indians are the people of India, and Indian is derived from India.
And the indigenous people physically do not look like the people of India, in fact, the indigenous people physically look like Filipinos, Chinese, Thais, Malaysians, Mongolians, Koreans, Taiwanese and Vietnamese.
Unfortunately, on a mental level, the inhabitants of these East Asian countries are also colonized by the West with Christianity, with Judaism, with Islam, with atheism, and with the Western way of life that contaminates and destroys the environment.
When the murder of Filipinos by United States soldiers occurred in the years from 1899 to 1902, when the United States used Agent Orange against Vietnam and this causes children with disabilities to continue being born in Vietnam, it is because the United States knew that genetics of East Asia is connected to the genetics of the indigenous people of this continent:
And the CIA trained the Brazilian military to use napalm (Agent Orange) against the indigenous people during the military dictatorship, it was always an attempt to eliminate that genetics.
The following is a screenshot of a news story titled: Military trained by the CIA used napalm against indigenous people in Brazil.
During the military dictatorship in Brazil, indigenous people were tortured with torture like the one seen in the following photo:
And all kinds of atrocities continue to occur today against indigenous people in Brazil, for example, against the Guaraní Kaiowá with the complicity of the non-indigenous majority who always vote for politicians who harm them, such as those who approved the Temporary Framework law and who are indifferent to what the indigenous people suffer. But, it is the same thing that happens in all countries on the continent.
Sometimes genocide occurs in more covert ways, allowing indigenous people to suffer famine and extreme poverty, allowing them to suffer invasions, and treating them like criminals if they defend themselves, using indigenous traitors and inciting hatred of indigenous people through speeches, films, series, cartoons and even video games.
And if the indigenous people demand that their rights be fulfilled, that their territories be respected, they defend themselves or take revenge, and denounce that the mestizos also harm them and that they are also indifferent to what they suffer, criminals like Fernando Balda (who are part of the Right of Ecuador with presidents Guillermo Lasso and Daniel Noboa) affirm that they are racists and that they discriminate against mestizos for denouncing that mestizos also harm them and do not care about what they suffer:
For those who hate indigenous people, the fact that indigenous people are not racist and do not discriminate means that they allow themselves to be hurt, that they do not fight for their rights, that they do not fight to defend their territories, that they are masochists who like to be hated and oppressed, May they have love for their enemies, may they turn the other cheek and forgive their enemies everything.
Basically for these criminals, the fact that indigenous people are not racist and do not discriminate means that they comply with the teachings of the fictional character of Jesus Christ. Teachings of Jesus Christ to love your enemies, forgive everything and turn the other cheek, which they would not comply with if the same things they did to the indigenous people were done to them and their families.
It is like when they say that the fact that indigenous people defend their rights and defend their territories means that they want privileges, when indigenous people have never had privileges because the system of hatred and oppression of indigenous people continues in the present, and throughout the continent those who If they have privileges, it is the majority that is not indigenous (whether white or non-white).
Sometimes miscegenation occurred due to sexual violations of indigenous women:
Michele Da Cuneo, who came from a rich Savona family and was a personal friend of Columbus, whom he accompanied on his second trip to this continent, recounted in his correspondence one of those rapes carried out by himself: – I captured an Indian woman Beautiful and the Lord Admiral (Colón) gave it to me. I had her in my cabin and since, according to her custom, she was naked, I wanted to enjoy myself with her. When I wanted to execute my wish, she objected and attacked me in such a way with her nails that I would not have liked to have started. But, as it was, to tell you everything at once, I took a rope and whipped it so well that it screamed so unheard of that you couldn’t believe it. Finally, we reached such an agreement that it is enough to tell you that she really seemed trained in a school for whores. (Letter from Savona, October 1495)
Other times miscegenation occurred because indigenous women saw that mestizos were treated better than indigenous people, so they preferred to have children with Europeans so that their children would have better treatment.
And for Portuguese colonizers and Spanish colonizers, the fact that indigenous women preferred to have children with Europeans so that their children would have better treatment was a way of humiliating indigenous men.
It’s like when stupid people say that indigenous people and East Asians have small genitals, they do it as a way to humiliate indigenous men and East Asian men.
And the next shit is what governments, elites, television, the entertainment industry and the majority call civilization, development and progress:
Movies like Apocalypto created by Mel Gibson’s Catholic make us believe that the appearance of the indigenous people is this:
In reality, the physical appearance of the indigenous people is this:
And in reality, many of those who appear in Hollywood films that promote hatred of indigenous people, such as those that celebrate cowboys and the United States Army, are mestizos and are not pure indigenous people, because in the United States it is also promoted to confuse mestizos with indigenous people.
All the colonizers, whether Spanish colonizers, Portuguese colonizers, English colonizers, French colonizers and colonizers of other European nationalities, committed the same atrocities against the indigenous people, and accepted it in books and letters.
But, currently the Hispanistas (defenders of Spanish colonization) deny that the Spanish colonizers committed atrocities against indigenous people and affirm that the atrocities committed by Spanish colonizers are Black Legends.
But, the Spanish colonizers did accept that they committed atrocities against indigenous people who did not submit in their books and letters:
In the book True History of the Conquest of New Spain, written by the colonizer Bernal Díaz del Castillo, this colonizer wrote: -it was the first war that we had in the company of Cortés in New Spain (…) and we went to see the dead that were in the field and there were more than eight hundred. Then we buried two soldiers. We thanked God very much for having given us that accomplished victory.
The text refers to the Battle of Centla where the indigenous people of the Mayan-Chontal ethnic group were defeated, only two Spanish soldiers died in this battle, this means that all the other dead, which were more than eight hundred, were indigenous.
And when he thanks the Judeo-Christian god for defeating the indigenous people, it is because for the Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and other European colonizers to wage war on the indigenous people, cause them terror, dominate them and subjugate them was part of the plan of their Judeo-Christian god.
And proof of how atheism is the same as Christianity is that Spanish atheists like the Dalas Review also deny that the Spanish colonizers committed atrocities against the indigenous people, referring to the issue as the Black Legend.
Because the Dalas Review openly in videos has supported VOX, Donald Trump, Javier Milei and has implied that since we are not indigenous, according to him we should be indifferent and complicit in what they suffer (that is, be complicit monsters of the genocide that continues in the present according to the damned genocidal criminal of Dalas Review).
Proof that the colonizers did believe that colonization was part of a divine plan of the Judeo-Christian god is that the Catholic priest named Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda in 1547 wrote a book called: Treatise on the just causes of the war against the Indians.
In Spain, before arriving to this continent they had a saint called Santiago Matamoros, and mata moros refers to the fact that this saint helped them kill moros (Islamic or Muslims), the surname Matamoros comes from there:
Upon arriving on this continent: Santiago Matamoros was converted into Santiago Mataindios, in reference to the fact that according to them the saint helped them kill indigenous people, colonizers claim that the saint appeared to them many times to help them defeat the indigenous people who resisted domination.
When the colonizers waged war on indigenous people who did not always submit when starting the war, they shouted: – Santiago and towards them.
And the phrase towards them meant going against the indigenous people like a predator goes after its prey.
The Spanish colonizer named Pedro de Valdivia in the letter To his representatives at court (Santiago, October 15, 1550), wrote: – Indians whose right hands and noses I had cut off.
In the same letter To his representatives at court (Santiago, October 15, 1550): -Anyway, I broke them, and they fled and we killed their captain and up to two hundred Indians.
In the letter to Emperor Charles V (La Serena, September 4, 1545): – I went out with all the people, who came very well dressed and on horseback, to keep my word, and I went to look for the Indians, and when I arrived at their forts I found them all fled, taking advantage of the part of Mauli towards the many people, leaving all their towns burned and abandoned the best piece of land in the world, which does not seem to have ever had an Indian in it.
Hispanists deny that the Spanish colonizers used indigenous people as slaves.
But, the Spanish colonizer Bernal Diaz Del Castillo wrote in his book called True History of the Conquest of New Spain: – and that we had to go to war and load the ships with Indians from those islands to pay for the ship with Indians, to use of them for slaves.
That the colonizers believed that harming the indigenous people was part of the plan of their Judeo-Christian god and that they took great pleasure in making war on them, is something that the Spanish colonizer Bernan Diaz Del Castillo also accepted in his book True History of the Conquest of the New Spain where he wrote this: – I say that all our works and victories are by the hand of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that in that battle there were so many Indians for each of us that they would blind us with fistfuls of earth.
It is known that the colonizers harmed indigenous children and that they often used indigenous children to train and feed their hunting dogs, but the Hispanicists say that it is a Black Legend.
But, in letters and reports from Hernán Cortés to Emperor Charles V, the colonizer Hernán Cortés wrote: – And when I startled them, they came out unarmed, and the women and children naked through the streets, and I began to do them some harm.
In fact, most indigenous ethnic groups fished and hunted only for food, and not for pleasure. But, European colonizers brought bullfighting, cockfighting, and pleasure hunting to the continent.
But, harming the indigenous people gave them more sadistic pleasure than hunting animals for pleasure, because, although they also considered the indigenous people as soulless beings and the fact that the church later changed its position stating that the indigenous people did have souls was due to a Catholic priest called Bartolomé de las Casas who had the opposite opinion of the Catholic priest Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda.
The colonizers understood that the indigenous people understood more that they were dominated, subjugated, hated and oppressed, so that made them enjoy hunting animals more.
For both the colonizers of the past and the politicians and elites of the present, indigenous people are simply objects and objects with which they can satisfy sadism.
Those who hate the indigenous people like the Hispanicists justify the colonization with which the indigenous people made human sacrifices.
But, the arrival of the European colonizers did not put an end to the sacrifices of indigenous people, because since the arrival of the European colonizers until the present, indigenous people continue to be sacrificed through massacres and genocide.
Another thing they use to justify hatred of indigenous people is the issue of infanticide, but when the colonizers invaded this continent and waged war on the indigenous people, in those wars they killed indigenous people of all ages and harmed indigenous children like Hernán Cortés accepted it in his writings, which is why the colonizers also committed infanticide of indigenous children.
Now they continue to hate the indigenous people for the issue of infanticide when the majority of indigenous people today no longer practice infanticide. But, when governments like Jair Bolsonaro’s allow and support invaders of indigenous territories, those invaders also cause the death of indigenous children, those invaders cause infanticide of indigenous children.
570 children of the indigenous Yanomami ethnic group died during Jair Bolsonaro’s government, which favored illegal miners who invaded Yanomami territories.
When these invaders invade indigenous territories, they also shoot indigenous children and this happens in all countries on the continent, as in the case of these Ngobe children in Panama:
This teenager from the Guaraní-Kaiowa ethnic group in Brazil was murdered by the invaders:
Indigenous child of the Guaraní-Kaiowá ethnic group who was run over by criminals who want to eliminate them:
That is to say, they hate the indigenous people because some ethnic groups sacrificed children who were born with a physical defect or twins, with the argument that they were committing infanticide. But, the criminals they support murder indigenous children in the present, the criminals they support commit infanticide of indigenous children in the present.
Now all these atrocities that have been committed since the arrival of the European colonizers and that continue to be committed today against indigenous people were ordered by the Judeo-Christian god:
1 Samuel chapter 15, verse 3: Therefore go and attack them; destroy them along with all their possessions, and show them no mercy. Kills men and women, children and newborns.
And also with the invasion of indigenous lands and the expulsion of indigenous people from their territories, these criminals fulfill this biblical mandate:
Genesis chapter 13, verse 15: For all the land that you see I will give to you and to your descendants forever.
The colonizers simply believed that their biblical god had given them this continent and that it was a biblical mandate that the indigenous people be replaced by their descendants (creoles and mestizos).
There is only one thing on which I can agree with the Hispanicists:
The former president of the Left called Andrés Manuel López Obrador demanded that Spain apologize for colonization. This also seems absurd to me because the fact that Spain asks for forgiveness does not change the situation of the indigenous people at the present.
And although the European colonizers (Spanish, Portuguese, English, French and other European nationalities) were the ones who gave rise to the system of hatred, oppression and domination of the indigenous people:
Currently, those who continue with this system of hatred, oppression and domination against the indigenous people are the Creole politicians and the mestizo politicians of this continent, and the majority who continue to be indifferent to what the indigenous people suffer and keeping those who harm them in power.
The president of Portugal apologized for the crimes committed against indigenous people by the Portuguese colonizers in Brazil, and this does not change the current situation of the indigenous people in Brazil because those who continue with the system of hatred and oppression of the indigenous people in Brazil are the Creole politicians and mestizo politicians from Brazil, and the majority of Brazilians who are not indigenous, who vote for those politicians and keep them in power.
Pope Francis asked for forgiveness for the crimes committed against indigenous people in Canada, and this in no way changes the situation of the indigenous people of Canada who, like in the United States, continue to be oppressed and hated by the government and by the majority who are not indigenous.
That they ask for forgiveness is irrelevant, because what really changes the situation of the indigenous people is that those who harm them in the present and are still alive in the present are harshly condemned, such as the death penalty, and that concrete actions be taken to repair the damage caused to indigenous people of the present and improve their situation in the present.
And we are back to the same thing: the Right and Neoliberals like Jair Bolsonaro harm the indigenous people with hate speech and promoting hatred, and the Left like Lula harm them by giving them crumbs to keep them in compliance, brainwashing them with pacifism and by not providing them with advanced weapons to defend themselves.
And hate speech against indigenous people is actually allowed on YouTube and on Social Networks, and it is something promoted by the entertainment industry itself such as movies, series, cartoons and video games, as in these examples:
There are Hispanists both on this continent and in Europe, but Hispanists in Europe often say that colonization improved the lives of indigenous people, and this is because many Europeans believe that criollos and mestizos are the same as indigenous people.
But, there are also Europeans who, although they are not in favor of colonization, believe that Creoles, mestizos and that anyone born on this continent is indigenous.
In this comment recovered from YouTube by user @amaterasufrl1138 he writes the following: -I am Spanish and I am ashamed to see all those atrocities that were done, I hope there is a point of brotherhood between our countries because many of us from here in our hearts feel they are brothers, with shared roots in our cultures and for better or worse they crossed paths in the dark and murky history of human beings and their wars.
Now the questions are:
Why brotherhood with Creoles and mestizos of this continent who remain silent, are apathetic and indifferent to what the indigenous people continue to suffer?
Why brotherhood with governments of this continent that do not have indigenous people as a priority, that allow many indigenous people to go hungry, that allow invasions of indigenous territories, that allow and cause massacres and exterminations of indigenous people in the present?
In this comment, this Spaniard believes that he is defending the indigenous people, but by confusing them with Creoles and mestizos, and by talking about brotherhood with governments formed by Creoles and mestizos that continue the same system of oppression and hatred of the indigenous people, what he does It is harming the indigenous people and making the true indigenous people invisible.
There are even ignorant people who believe that the independence of these countries from the continent of European countries helped the indigenous people. But, the independences happened to benefit Creoles and mestizos, not indigenous people.
And when the independences occurred, the expulsion of indigenous people from their territories increased and the massacres of indigenous people increased, for this reason, there were indigenous people who opposed independence because they knew that it was better to have an enemy that governed them far away than to have an enemy on the same continent governing them.
Many Argentines who hate indigenous people say that the Mapuches are invaders and that they exterminated other indigenous ethnic groups, but in reality these Argentines who say this are those who descend from Spanish and Italian invaders who exterminated most of the members of different indigenous ethnic groups like the Qom and others in the so-called conquest of the desert, and in the genocide of the Selknam ethnic group.
The concept of countries is something colonial and did not exist on the continent before colonization. Before colonization: the Mapuche lived in what is now called Argentina and Chile.
Before colonization: The Yanomami lived in what is now Brazil and Venezuela. Before colonization: The Guaraní lived in what is now Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia.
Before colonization: The Ngobes lived in what is now Costa Rica and Panama. Before colonization: The Mayans lived in what is now Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador.
Hispanistas say that indigenism is a plan by Freemasonry to destroy the Catholic Church because Hispanistas are believers in conspiracy theories invented by conservatives.
But, we already saw that Freemasons like Domingo Faustino Sarmiento promoted the teaching of the Catholic religion in schools. And we already saw that Freemason politicians like George Washington, Andrew Jackson and Domingo Faustino Sarmiento have always promoted hatred of indigenous people.
Hispanists say that Freemasonry promotes indigenism and defends the indigenous people. But, the Freemasonry of Argentina pays tribute to Domingo Faustino Sarmiento on its Facebook page:
Julio Argentino Roca led the Desert Campaign in Argentina where there were massacres and exterminations of indigenous people, and many surviving indigenous people were sent to concentration camps.
In Argentina there is a Masonic lodge in honor of Julio Argentina Roca called: Logia Julio Argentino Roca.
In fact, in the screenshot of the Julio Argentino Roca Lodge, referring to Julio Argentino Roca they write as something to admire and celebrate: – He had an outstanding performance in the War of the Triple Alliance and was the architect of the strategy that would lead to the definitive victory in the fight against the Indian.
However, since in Freemasonry they use the red apron and the blue apron, and the chess-style checkered floor symbol, the Freemasons believe that sometimes showing a certain admiration, paternalism and condescension towards the indigenous people is a way of striking a balance, as in this post:
Although this publication is part of the deception they seek, by placing an image that represents Simón Bolívar next to indigenous people, they seek to make people believe the lie that independence was good for the indigenous people.
In any case, that certain admiration, paternalism and condescension that the Freemasons sometimes show towards the indigenous people is part of the hatred because they seek to maintain the system of oppression through crumbs that never solve anything.
The thing is that for the Freemasons the indigenous people are like objects similar to chess pieces and where they move as they want those who they consider simple pieces or objects. More than they take advantage of the simple way of being and vulnerability.
Therefore, I do not deny that there are good indigenous people and bad indigenous people, and I know that there have always been indigenous people who are traitors to their race, but I believe that there are also indigenous people who defend their enemies not because they are traitors but because they are manipulated and do not have access to all this information that I have shared.
In fact, it was always like this, the indigenous people were always considered simple objects or chess pieces, that is why all the colonizers through deception used some indigenous ethnic groups as cannon fodder to defeat other indigenous ethnic groups, but they hated them all equally and they only used them as objects.
Also, the colonizers took advantage of conflicts that already existed between indigenous ethnic groups to make those conflicts more intense and cause them to destroy each other.
But, in any case, the indigenous ethnic groups that served as allies of the colonizers to defeat other indigenous ethnic groups did not know that they were serving their enemies and that at the end of the battles they were also oppressed, hated and subjected because the colonizers had already achieved their objectives and only used them as disposable objects.
It is very obvious that the Jews and Christians before arriving on this continent did not know the indigenous people. But, they did know the East Asians, and they knew that East Asians had gods in the form of dragons or snakes.
For this reason, it was invented in the Bible that the snake and the Dragon represent the devil.
That’s why the Jews wrote this in Genesis chapter 3, verse 1: The serpent was more crafty than all the wild animals that the Lord God had made, so he asked the woman, «Is it true that God told you that Do not eat from any tree in the garden?
And the Christians in Revelation chapter 12, verse 9 wrote this: – And the great dragon was cast down, the ancient serpent called the devil and Satan.
Therefore, upon arriving at this continent they realized that the indigenous people of this continent also had their gods in the form of dragons or snakes such as Amaru, Quetzalcóatl and Kukulcán. And they also used this to promote hatred of the indigenous people, stating that they were children of the serpent, that is, that they were sons of the devil.
That’s why people who hate indigenous people today make comments like these:
@siliasvencr0v942: – Being Mexican, I feel very proud of the conquest because reason and faith defeated the degenerate disciples of the serpent, we buried them and trampled them every day.
Therefore, for the colonizers in the past, the indigenous people were just trash, and that is what the governments, the elites and all those who hate the indigenous people continue to think in the present.
Also, no matter how much they deny it, hatred is also due to genetics, that is, due to physical traits, only because they are cowards they deny it.
Fanatic atheists like the Dalas Review are the same as fanatical Christians in the sense that they support politicians and political parties like VOX, Donald Trump and Javier Milei that promote and encourage hatred towards indigenous people.
But, they are also the same in that they have the same sexist and cowardly idea of Social Darwinism that harming the weakest, the most vulnerable and the innocent according to them is power, strength or bravery.
Everything should be a balance like the Yin Yang where both the intellectual and the emotional are given equal importance.
But, for the atheist only the intellectual matters and he always despises the emotional, also for the atheist only the objective matters and he always despises the subjective. For this reason, the atheist believes himself to be different from the majority and in reality he is selfish, individualistic, unbalanced and lacking empathy like the majority.
The atheist believes and thinks that the worship of other gods is the same as the worship of the god in which the Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Christian and Islamic) believe because in their ignorance they do not analyze the following:
When in cultures that believe in other gods they talk about a creator, that creator represents nature and the universe united as a whole, and the elements that exist in nature and in the universe make life possible, that Creator lives within nature and is not separated from nature unlike the Judeo-Christian god, that creator is the energy or spirit of nature and the universe, and the only thing that changes is that each ethnic group gives it its own history and its own representation.
The force of gravity of the sun was trapping matter in its different orbits and this caused the different planets with their moons to form, therefore, the sun is a creator, the light of the sun makes plants, trees, bushes and microorganisms from the sea they do photosynthesis that produces oxygen, that is why the sun is a giver of life, and that is why it makes sense to believe in gods of the sun that represent the spirit or energy of the sun, and that each ethnic group gives it its own name, history and representation.
The moon maintains balance in the rotation of the earth and the force of gravity of the moon produces the tides, the tides help circulate the water that makes life possible, the tides also remove pollutants, the moon provides stability to the climate , and it also influences the reproductive cycle of women in the case of humans and of females in the case of animals, therefore, it makes sense to worship moon goddesses who represent the energy or spirit of the moon, and that each ethnic group gives its own name, history and representation.
The rain provides fertility to the earth and the rain distributes the water that every living being needs to live, and from the earth the seeds are born from which the plants, shrubs and trees are born that provide food, leaves and shade that help to avoid soil erosion and to prevent the soil from losing fertility, therefore, worshiping gods that represent the energy or spirit of rain and worshiping goddesses that represent the energy or spirit of the earth makes a lot of sense and logic.
Without the forests and without the sea life would not exist, therefore, worshiping gods and goddesses that represent the energy or spirit of the forests, and gods and goddesses that represent the energy or spirit of the sea, makes a lot of sense because they make life possible.
Furthermore, gratitude is very important, and the worship of these gods and goddesses helps to feel gratitude towards the forces of nature that make life possible. And gratitude is very important to avoid individualism and selfishness.
Atheists believe that believing in other gods denies science, but believing in other gods does not deny the Big Bang and does not deny evolution.
Before the priest Georges Lemaître spoke of the Big Bang, the indigenous people of the Kogi ethnic group spoke of how the Mother goddess created the cosmic egg, that the cosmic egg exploded, causing matter to expand throughout the universe and causing everything in the universe was forming.
Also, the Kogi villages seen from the sky due to their circular shape are reminiscent of the shape of the planets and suns (stars):
The Mother goddess who created the cosmic egg, which then exploded and caused matter to expand throughout the universe, giving rise to everything, in whom the Kogui believe, is called Aluna, and is the same energy as other Mother goddesses of other ethnicities such as Pachamama, Spider Woman, Huichana and others to which each ethnic group gives its own name, its own representation and its own history.
For the Kogi everything is a balance between man and woman, heat and cold, light and darkness, these forces complement each other and the balance between the two makes it possible for everything to exist. This is similar to the concept of Ying-Yang that comes from Taoism.
Unlike other indigenous ethnic groups, both the Arhuacos and the Kogui maintain high self-esteem and call themselves Big Brothers. And the Arhuacos, unlike other ethnic groups, do not accept indigenous people who convert to Christian religions and expel them from their villages.
In the indigenous ethnic group of the Wiwa, their spiritual leaders are the Mamos and the Sagas. Mamo means Sun, Counselor and Grandfather. And Saga means Moon, Counselor and Grandmother. ☯️
The devil does not exist. Belief in the devil is an invention of the Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Christian and Islamic) to persecute, torture and murder those who think differently, as occurred in the Catholic inquisition and the Protestant inquisition.
The conception of the devil has served as a sinister tool in the hands of evil people and Christians during the Inquisition and colonization. It has been the pretext to massacre those who believed and thought differently from Christianity.
Belief in the devil and antichrist has even led to the murder of innocent children. That is why it should be considered a crime in all countries of the world. Let’s look at some examples of the crimes perpetrated by those who believe in the existence of the devil and the advent of an antichrist:
Rosa Gonzálvez, a girl cruelly murdered by her own mother and a healer, who destroyed her womb claiming that she was pregnant with the devil.
The UFO and New Age cult known as The Order of the Solar Temple, who stabbed and staked a 3-month-old baby named Emmanuel Dutoit in the heart, accusing him of being the antichrist.
These New Age sects, which believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial ships that will come to save humanity, are a modern form of Christianity, as they affirm the existence of Jesus Christ as the Great Ascended Master or the most evolved extraterrestrial being. Furthermore, they are racist and also believe in the arrival of an antichrist.
The Order of the Solar Temple sect believed that the Judeo-Christian heaven was a planet that revolved around the star Sirius and that Jesus Christ is an ascended master, as did sects such as Heaven’s Gate, which caused a suicide where its members locked themselves in a room with explosives and burned to death, believing that the fire would purify their souls so that they could travel to the planet of the star Sirius, which according to them is the heaven where Jesus Christ awaits them.
In Chile, a Christian sect burned a baby alive, claiming it was the antichrist. The leader of this sect called himself Antares de luz.
For all the crimes and atrocities caused by Judeo-Christian beliefs in more recent times, in the inquisition and in the colonization that continues in the present, I do believe that these Judeo-Christian beliefs should be prohibited throughout the world.
A lie of those who invent conspiracy theories is that they say that, according to them, there is a conspiracy against Christianity and that, according to them, the elites are against Christianity, according to these evil ones, the media such as television and entertainment industry that produces films being financed by the elite are against Christianity.
The truth is, I have always seen throughout my life that the media and the entertainment industry are totally in favor of Christianity, and not against it, proof of this is the hundreds of films in favor of Christianity during Holy Week, cartoons in favor of Christianity such as The Superbook: Stories from the Bible and The Guardians of History.
There are many television series in favor of Christianity such as Supernatural and The Touch of an Angel, there are many films in favor of Christianity such as God is Not Dead and The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson, there is a lot of content in programs about the paranormal such as TV Azteca’s Extranormal where Christianity is favored by mentioning appearances of Jesus Christ and miracles performed by Jesus Christ.
It seems that the global conspiracy that the media and the entertainment industry participate in is more of a conspiracy to preserve Christianity, so that people will never question Christianity, and so that the majority will continue to think that Christianity is good, and not the conspiracy invented by those on the Right and religious fanatics who invent conspiracy theories where they say that, according to them, there is a conspiracy against Christianity, which is a lie.
Christian cartoon called Super Book, Christian cartoon called The Guardians of History and Christian series The Touch by an Angel:
Christian film God is not dead and Christian film The Passion of the Christ:
Even most horror movies are propaganda in favor of Judeo-Christian beliefs.
What those who are not indigenous have done to the indigenous people, in addition to predation, is parasitism, the majority of indigenous people have their minds parasitized, it works just like a parasite that places its eggs inside its victims and then the larvae devour its victims from within, this is how the colonized minds of most indigenous people and most East Asians today.
It is like when colonial states, whether of the Right or the Left, recruit indigenous people into their armies to serve a state that will always consider them disposable, and the colonized minds accept Christian religions, the New Age, the pacifism of not defending oneself, the miscegenation and the ranching of bulls, cows, sheep and goats that is also a product of colonization. They don’t realize that those who parasitized their minds will always hate and oppress them.
Cannon fodder just like the past when the colonizers used some indigenous ethnic groups through deception to defeat other indigenous ethnic groups, colonization never ended and the present is the continuation of the past.
Those who are not indigenous make up movies where aliens invade the earth, exterminate humans, replace humans or even take possession of human bodies.
These fictional aliens represent exactly what non-indigenous people have done to indigenous people, and also the fact that most indigenous people have colonized minds is as if non-indigenous people have taken possession of their minds.
Most people now are still like the people of the middle ages when there was the Catholic inquisition and the Protestant inquisition. The only thing that changes is technology and Western technology also destroys and pollutes the environment.
For example, the fraud of electric cars is presented as a panacea that solves environmental problems, in reality, to obtain Lithium and other materials with which the batteries of these cars are built, thousands of hectares of forests and jungles are destroyed, and indigenous territories are also invaded.
Now they focus a lot on reducing the use of plastic and although it is true that it does cause a lot of pollution, and plastic affects aquatic fauna and also terrestrial fauna. It is not what destroys the environment the most. I would even say that cans are more harmful than plastic.
What destroys and pollutes the environment the most continues to be the farming of bulls, cows, sheep and goats brought to this continent by European colonizers because thousands of hectares of forests and jungles are destroyed to make pastures for these animals.
Cows and bulls, due to the large size of their digestive system, produce up to eight kilos of dung per day, and due to the large size of their digestive system, they produce excessive emissions of methane and carbon dioxide in gases and excrement and excessive emissions of nitrous oxide in the urine. In addition, they consume up to 100 liters of water a day.
It is not about being vegan or vegetarian, there are other meats such as fish and others, those animals brought by European colonizers are not necessary to survive and are invasive species.
But, fanatic environmentalists want to eliminate cats for being invasive species and exterminate wildlife, but they say nothing about cows, bulls, sheep and goats that are also invasive species, and they say nothing about the majority of humans who are not indigenous.
It is also true that soy cultivation destroys the Amazon and generates extermination of Guaraní indigenous people who suffer from the landowners who displace them, but the large percentage of that soy is used to make fattening concentrates for cows, bulls, sheep and goats, and A low percentage of soy is consumed by humans.
A certain criminal lawyer from Argentina, friend of Agustín Laje and the Right, therefore, in favor of indigenous genocide that continues in the present, said that humans and other animals always produce methane and carbon dioxide in their gases and excrement.
And, furthermore, stupid, brainless atheists like the Dalas Review believe that caring for the environment means reducing all carbon dioxide and all methane emissions.
With respect to the criminal lawyer, these people show that evil is in their genes: it is true that humans and animals of other species produce methane and carbon dioxide in their gases and excrement, but it is about reducing methane and carbon dioxide emissions by half so that there is a balance, and animals such as cows and bulls produce excessive carbon dioxide and methane emissions for having a digestive system larger than that of humans and larger than that of other animals.
And with respect to the idiot from Dalas Review who also supports genocidaires like VOX, Javier Milei and Donald Trump because the immature person seeks revenge on his feminist ex-girlfriends who filed false complaints against him through that:
It is not about reducing all methane emissions and all carbon dioxide emissions, that is impossible because humans and animals of other species will always produce emissions of these gases, but what it is about is that there are emissions excessive methane and excessive carbon dioxide emissions, and for a balance to exist they must be reduced by half (not all because that is impossible).
If livestock farming that raises bulls, cows, sheep and goats for meat, milk, dairy products and wool were banned worldwide: emissions of methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide would be reduced by half and by halving produces a balance.
Emissions of methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide will always exist, but what it is about is reducing them by half so that there is a balance where nature can process them, and not eliminating them 100% contrary to what the criminal imbeciles of the Dalas Review think and that lawyer I’m referring to.
On the other hand, the idiot from the Dalas Review says that he wants to help humans become immortal, but the idiot does not reason that if the world is destroyed by climate change we will all die and not even he will be able to be immortal, that’s why, Atheism is just as stupid as Christianity, and most atheists, agnostics and skeptics are like the Dalas Review.
But, the stupid idiot at the Dalas Review who thinks he’s superior because he’s an atheist doesn’t reason this out.
Similar to the electric car fraud is the fraud involving the sale of carbon credits. The sale of carbon credits consists of politicians and large companies buying hundreds or thousands of hectares of forests and jungles with the excuse of protecting the environment.
But, these sales of carbon credits cause indigenous people to be expelled from their territories, and politicians and businessmen sell licenses to loggers, miners, oil companies and ranchers to obtain resources from those territories.
The WWF, as part of the fraud that uses environmentalism, is involved in the sale of carbon credits, and this organization was founded by racist criminals, in favor of Eugenics and Social Darwinism, and who hunted for pleasure without it being a necessity to survive. In fact, the WWF had as its honorary president King Juan Carlos of Spain who went hunting for pleasure in Africa.
Also behind the WWF fraud is Freemasonry which has always been a Zionist institution, and we return to the same thing that the blue Masonic apron and the red Masonic apron, and the chess-style checkered floor in the Masonic lodges represents that they run things that in quotes appear to be contrary or in quotes appear to be opposite.
It’s like the treaties to protect indigenous people made by the ONU, which is also led by Christians, Freemasons, Jews and New Age people. These ONU treaties have done nothing to solve the situation of the indigenous people and have done nothing to protect the indigenous people.
And throughout the continent, politicians, whether from the Right, Neoliberals, Left or Center, have never taken radical actions to really protect indigenous people, and many even participate in oppression and indifference.
For example, it is true that in Bolivia the former Christian, Catholic, Right-wing president and friend of Bolsonaro named Jeanine Añez caused murders of indigenous people in the Senkata and Sacaba massacre.
But, the traitor of Evo Morales, from the Left, who brainwashes the indigenous people that they have to be pacifist, not feel resentment and not take revenge, who makes New Age because he mixes indigenous beliefs of the Aymara ethnic group with Catholicism, also, caused murders of indigenous people in the Chaparina massacre.
For this reason, both Jeanine Añez and Evo Morales are the same garbage, and there is the Masonic game of the blue apron (Right) and the red apron (Left), both (Jeanine Añez and Evo Morales) should have the penalty of death.
And Freemasonry, always using Jewish symbols such as the seven-branched candelabrum (Menorah), proved to be Zionist from its beginnings:
An error in the following screenshot is that when talking about Latinos or Latin Americans it is something colonial, miscegenation is a product of colonization:
Therefore, although I hate Judeo-Christian beliefs, I do not see a contradiction in the fact that the majority of mestizos have Judeo-Christian beliefs since they are part of the colonization and part of the replacement of the indigenous people, in fact, what is called Latino or Latin American, which are words that I detest, are the European way of being, the European worldview and the European way of thinking.
As for black people, most of the black people I have met are like Creoles, Europeans and mestizos in their way of being, vision of the world and way of thinking, I don’t see any difference.
Furthermore, the name given to the continent of America was given by the colonizers, and the Latin term is something of European origin.
The Vision Quest Tarot is a tarot that has paintings of indigenous people, and I saw a video where a Chilean said that it is a Latin tarot, that what is Latin and what is mestizo is confused with what is indigenous is part of how true indigenous people are made invisible and is part of the extermination.
The majority, in addition to being bad, do not reason, that is why they believe that the Jews are a race, when in reality they are only a religion, and they do not care in the least about the extermination of indigenous people that continues in the present, but they talk about that the Jews suffered genocide.
But, in addition, the majority is quite annoying, they despise the true indigenous people and are indifferent to what they suffer, but when it suits them, the criollos and mestizos pretend to be victims of colonization and say that they conquered them, when criollos and mestizos are products of colonization.
And the only victims of colonization to date are the indigenous people, not the Creoles and not the mestizos, it is like that repugnance that when they talk about racism they only think in black people and never in indigenous people.
How nothing in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is original, and everything is plagiarized from other cultures: even the word demons is derived from the Greek word daimones.
The Daimones are spirits that act as messengers of the gods, and are spirits of different aspects of the human being. The Agatodaimon is the spirit of human virtues. And the Cacodaemon is the spirit of human vices.
All those Abrahamic religions do not have anything original, and many ignorant people can say that it was the polytheistic religions that copied the Abrahamic ones (Jewish, Christian and Islamic). But, polytheistic religions were older than Zoroastrianism, older than Judaism, older than Christianity, and older than Islam.
Not even Lucifer is something original to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Heosphorus or Eosphorus is the Greek god of the morning star (Venus) and the light-bearing god, his Latin name is Lucifer. Eosphorus is the son of Eos (the Greek goddess of dawn) and Astreus (the Greek god of the stars and astrology).
For me, the Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Christian and Islamic) are going to destroy the world because these religions are anthropocentric, that is, in these religions only human life matters and they make people believe the stupidity that the human being can live without other nature and that the human being is not part of nature, These religions harm human lives, harm animals of other species, harm the environment and promote Social Darwinism.
Therefore, everything that arises from those religions such as atheism and Satanism are the same. And it should be a priority to destroy those Abrahamic religions and everything that arises from those religions.
To have values such as empathy, collectivism, cooperation, honesty, respect, loyalty, justice and solidarity, these religions are not needed.
And since Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Christian and Islamic or Muslim) are based on anthropocentrism (where everything revolves around humans) that is why conservatives who invent conspiracy theories are of Judeo-Christian beliefs (Judeo-Christian god, Jesus Christ and the devil) who deny climate change.
Conspiracy theories invented by conservatives are destroying the world. There was a time when the Abrahamic religions were slowly beginning to lose power, but then these conservatives who invent conspiracy theories came to give strength again to the Abrahamic religions, and to cause the Right and neoliberalism to begin to have power and influence in the world.
And the Freemasons are evil people who believe they are good like the majority of humanity. Freemasons are nefarious and despicable people, but not for the reasons that conservatives who invent conspiracy theories claim.
I am not politically correct, because I believe that with beliefs that are a danger to life on earth there should be zero tolerance, tolerance is a crime when evil is tolerated, which in my concept of evil is different from the concept of Evil of the majority All those beliefs that I attack are evil for me, freedom of expression is a crime when it harms the innocent, the vulnerable or the weak.
As long as the majority of humanity exists and reproduces: indigenous people will continue to suffer all kinds of injustices, oppression and atrocities, and the minds of the majority of indigenous people will continue to be colonized with Judeo-Christian beliefs brought by European colonizers, with a bible and a god Christian and white brought by the European colonizers, with miscegenation, and without knowing that the farming of bulls, cows, goats and sheep, which is what most pollutes and destroys the environment, was brought by the European colonizers to the continent.
As long as the majority of humanity exists and reproduces, and someone or something like an artificial intelligence does not appear to do to them what they have done to the indigenous people: nothing is going to change in the world and planet Earth is only heading straight to total destruction.
As long as the damned politicians who already carry evil and predation in their genes, exist and reproduce, and on the continent there are no governments where all their members are only indigenous: nothing is going to change in the world and planet Earth is only going straight to total destruction.
As long as Freemasonry and Freemasons exist, and there is no one or something that condemns them to the death penalty: nothing will change in the world and planet Earth is only heading straight towards total destruction.
As long as the Jewish religions, the Christian religions and the Islamic or Muslim religions exist, and everything that arose from them such as atheism, Satanism, Jewish Kabbalah, Social Darwinism and New Age exists, and something or someone does not exist to destroy them completely: nothing is going to change in the world and planet Earth is only heading straight towards total destruction.
As long as the damn political Right exists, the damn neoliberals or libertarians and the damn political Left exist: indigenous people will continue to suffer all kinds of injustices, physical and mental colonization, oppression and atrocities, and nothing is going to change in the world and planet earth is only heading straight towards total destruction.
As long as the Vatican, the buildings of all Christian religions, theosophy, the Masonic lodges, the CIA, the FBI, the European Union, the United States government, Israel and the entire Middle East are not completely destroyed: the indigenous people will continue to suffer all kinds of injustices, physical and mental colonization, oppression and atrocities, and nothing is going to change in the world and planet Earth is only heading straight for total destruction.
As long as all the copies of the Torah, all the copies of the Tanakh, all the texts of the Kabbalah, all the Masonic texts, all the Bibles and all the copies of the Koran are not burned or are not recycled to make toilet paper: the indigenous people will continue suffering all kinds of injustices, physical and mental colonization, oppression and atrocities, and nothing is going to change in the world and planet Earth is only heading straight for total destruction.
As long as livestock farming, which is dedicated to raising bulls, cows, sheep and goats to produce meat, milk, dairy products and wool, is not prohibited throughout the world: nothing is going to change in the world and planet Earth is only heading directly to the total destruction due to all the pollution and destruction of the environment that this generates.
The majority of humanity, along with the politicians, the elites and the Freemasons, deserve the death penalty.
There are ethnic groups that, although they believe themselves to be indigenous, are actually very mixed with other races:
For example, the Miskitos of Nicaragua and Honduras believe they are indigenous, but they are very mixed with blacks, and it seems that this is the same as what happens with the Pataxo in Brazil.
The Bribris and the Cabécar in Costa Rica believe that if an indigenous woman has sons with a white man or a black man, the sons remain indigenous.
Only the mixtures of indigenous people of this continent with East Asians (Chinese, Filipinos, Malaysians, Taiwanese, Koreans, Mongolians, Vietnamese and Thais) helps to preserve the indigenous race and to ensure that the indigenous race is not lost because the pure indigenous people of this continent and East Asians share the same genetics and physical traits.
The continent should be returned to the indigenous people because they were first of all on the continent, and be governed only by the genetically pure indigenous people who are those who have East Asian traits, the ethnic groups that preserve genetic purity should be the priority and the only mixture considered good should be the mixture of indigenous people of this continent with East Asians since this way the physical traits, way of being, way of thinking and vision of the world are preserved.
With this I do not want to be misunderstood, I am not in favor of harming the Miskitos, I am not in favor of harming the Pataxo, I am not in favor of harming the Bribris, I am not in favor of harming the Cabécar, I am not in favor of harming other ethnic groups where a lot of mixing has occurred, I am not in favor of them suffering invasions, I am not in favor of the injustices they suffer, and I believe that they should be protected and conserve their territories, but They are not genetically pure.
In addition, the continent should be governed only by genetically pure indigenous people or those who have mixtures only with East Asians since they share the same genetics: the farming of bulls, cows, sheep and goats should be prohibited on the continent because it is something western and product of colonization, because it is what causes the most destruction and what causes the most pollution to the environment, and any promotion of cowboys or ranchers should be considered a crime.
Freemasonry should be banned on the continent and Freemasons should be sentenced to death, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Islam, all Christian religions, New Age, atheism and Satanism should be banned on the continent for being Western and harmful. All Zionists and all neo-Nazis should be sentenced to death.
Bullfighting, cockfighting, dog fighting, sport fishing and hunting for pleasure should be prohibited on the continent, and only hunting to survive and fishing to survive should be allowed.
And as an ideal of beauty, indigenous physical features should be promoted on the continent: reddish skin, slanted or almond-shaped eyes, radiant black hair, and medium height.
This is how those Abrahamic religions work (Jewish, Christian and Islamic), they defend the cruel and the sadist, and they promote harm to the innocent, the weakest or the vulnerable, that is why those religions are where genocidaires, bullfighters, people who hunt for pleasure, inquisitors and colonizers. The greatest dictators in history have also been from these religions.
And someone can tell me that the former Soviet Union was an atheist dictatorship and indigenous leaders of Siberia were also murdered, because the Slavs in Russia also caused a massacre of indigenous Siberians, but atheism comes from those religions.
The president of North Korea is a dictator and he is an atheist, and he believes that atheism is the opposite of the West, when atheism emerged from Christianity and in the West. Likewise, the president of China is an atheist, and does not realize that atheism is something Western just like Christianity.
The idea that Hitler had of the Aryan race influenced by New Age ideas is false. Iran means land of Aryans, the Aryans were actually the inhabitants of Iran, which at that time was the Persian empire. The truth about the Aryans is that they invaded and colonized India, and subdued the indigenous population of India who were the Dravidians.
It is from the Aryans that Hinduism arises and then from Hinduism Buddhism arises, both (Hinduism and Buddhism) arise in India, but then the Indians, who are the people of India, invade the countries of East Asia and convert many to Buddhism.
Once I saw a video where a Chinese man clarified that Buddhism did not emerge in China and that it emerged in India, and that the original thing about China is Taoism, Feng Shui and the worship of different gods that different ethnic groups had before the current president imposed atheism.
However, many believe that Buddhism emerged in China, which is not true, because it actually emerged in India as it was a child of Hinduism. And atheism and communism are Western just like Christianity and capitalism, but the president of China and North Korea does not understand this.
And on the other hand, we have countries like the Philippines where the majority of the population is of Christian religions and there is also Islam, where they worship statues of Jesus Christ and the Virgin who are always represented as white Europeans, and where there is a strange admiration for United States, although the United States will try to eliminate them in the massacres of Filipinos committed from 1899 to 1902 because the United States knew that they have the same genetics as the indigenous people of this continent.
The Chinese, like the Filipinos and people from other East Asian countries, have the same genetics as the indigenous people of this continent, and although Buddhism and Islam reached those places, they have always preserved genetics and colonization has been more on a mental level.
The fact is that the United States used Agent Orange against Vietnam and as far as I understand, Vietnam is the only country in East Asia where original beliefs are preserved before Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. Also, during the Military dictatorship in Brazil, the CIA trained military personnel to use napalm (Agent Orange) against indigenous people.
But, when the Chinese government began to persecute the Dalai Lama and the Dalai Lama had to flee Tibet, the same CIA and George Bush offered him political asylum in the United States.
And speaking of Vietnam: 69% is the original religion of the place with its different gods, Catholicism is only 6.9%, Protestantism 1.6%, Buddhism 11.7%, Islam 0.1% and people who do not identify with a religion that includes atheists they are only 5.2%.
Although Vietnam also suffered massacres by the United States, and they used Agent Orange against the civilian population, it can be said that Vietnam is the country in East Asia with the least colonial influence of the Christian religions, Islam, Buddhism and atheism.
And that 69% preserve the original beliefs of the place with its gods, is a quite significant percentage.
With respect to Brazil, there the mestizos are called descendants of indigenous people, something that seems ridiculous to me because it is irrelevant; The majority of mestizos are like the majority of Europeans in their way of being, in their tastes, in their way of thinking and in their vision of the world, and this is a way of making the true indigenous people invisible since Brazil is part of of the indigenous genocide plan with the approval of the Temporary Framework.
In the non-indigenous population: Brazil is made up of approximately 50% Creoles and mestizos, and 50% blacks and mulattoes, and both vote for politicians who harm indigenous people and keep those politicians in power.
Scum like the Dalas Review says that his feminist ex-girlfriends forced him to be politically incorrect, and due to global stupidity these days it is considered that being politically incorrect is being on the political Right or neoliberal.
In reality, both the political Right and the neoliberals as well as the political Left are politically correct and when they talk about equality it is a way of denying indigenous people that they have different rights and also denying that there are differences in behavior that are influenced by genetics.
The same is when mestizos or those who claim to be descendants of indigenous people try to take the place of true indigenous people to make them invisible, it is the same as when they brainwash indigenous people into thinking that only white people harm them.
It has also always been promoted that the only ones who suffer racism are black people, but in reality on this continent those who suffer racism the most are the indigenous people, and hatred of indigenous people is something that is promoted with impunity on the continent and the majority are totally indifferent to that.
Therefore, when the majority talks about racism, they only think about blacks or Jews because stupidity makes them believe that Jews are a race, but they always minimize what indigenous people suffer and are indifferent to it.
Currently there are many movies and series where black people are represented as victims and good, and white people as victimizers and bad guys, some examples are The Purge, Get Out, but there are many examples of series and movies where this happens.
But, the films and series where indigenous characters appear, no matter how well they claim to represent them, are made in a way that always generates hatred towards indigenous people and where indigenous people are presented in a context of belonging to the past or as stuck in the past.
What would happen if on the continent, instead of the majority being Creole and mestizo, the majority were black and mulatto?
I believe that the same system of hatred and oppression of the indigenous people would continue, because there were black colonizers like Juan Valiente, the buffalo army in the United States that was made up of black people who went to kill indigenous people and received medals of honor for that from the government of the USA.
In the Putumayo genocide in Peru there were two black landowners who committed the same atrocities against the indigenous people, and when Bolsonaro was president in Brazil there were also black people who made hateful and mocking comments against the indigenous people.
But, indigenous people are brainwashed into believing that white people are their enemies and that black people are their allies. It’s just seeing the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States, totally indifferent to what indigenous people suffer in the United States. Even celebrities like Madonna or Shawn Mendes who support this movement, while dressing like cowboys and paying tribute to cowboys.
In Colombia, for example, the indigenous people of the Emberá ethnic group are expelled from their territories by the police and military, because throughout the continent the police and military are the colonizers of the present at the service of the colonial state of each country on the continent.
This causes many Emberá to live in poverty and lose their ways of life in harmony with the environment, leading them to have the same lifestyle as the majority that pollutes the environment, but if the Emberá defend themselves or take revenge, the majority of Colombians treat them as criminals and terrorists, and in Colombia there are many blacks and mulattoes.
Colombia is called Colombia in honor of Christopher Columbus, just as in Costa Rica the currency and the Columbus Walk are in honor of Christopher Columbus.
There is a video where some Emberá indigenous people (since they are suffering from hunger because they are stripped of everything they have) steal bananas or plantains to eat from a place populated by blacks in Colombia, in the video a brown mestizo next to those blacks ties the naked indigenous people to a post and whips them.
But, although black people also hurt them, and for many black people stealing to eat is a crime as serious as murder or rape, because many are extremist, exaggerated and very aggressive (with some exceptions as in all human races).
The Emberá indigenous people of Panama and Colombia copied something very bad from the blacks, which is clitoral ablation or female genital mutilation.
For this reason, the political Left is also a criminal when they brainwash indigenous people into thinking that blacks and mestizos are their allies, when it is the furthest thing from reality.
And the political left takes advantage of the fact that indigenous people do not know many things, that they are humble and simple in their way of being and expressing themselves. So both the political Right and the political Left are part of Social Darwinism.
The same equality, multiculturalism and pacifism that the ONU talks so much about is a subtle way of promoting Social Darwinism by wanting indigenous people to forcibly coexist with their enemies who will never treat them as equals, that they will always be indifferent to what the indigenous people suffer and if the indigenous people demand that their rights be fulfilled they will always accuse them of wanting privileges and will say politically correct phrases such as that we are all equal to deny them those rights.
The UN that lies by pretending that it cares about the indigenous people with those international treaties that no government on the continent complies with, even promotes the end of the indigenous people with mandatory Western education for all, and schools and colleges are places where many times Those who are different are allowed to suffer bullying, discrimination and rejection, and where the white, Christian, Western and European way of being, way of thinking and vision of the world is promoted.
In fact, in the United States, Canada and all countries on the continent, indigenous children were often separated from their parents, and sent to Catholic schools and Catholic colleges that functioned as boarding schools where they suffered all kinds of physical, verbal, psychological and sexual abuse, often for the mere fact of being indigenous, where they were prohibited from speaking their languages, and where many times when they were sick They did not receive medical attention and were left to die.
It is now known that in those boarding schools many Catholic priests also sexually abused indigenous children, and that the CIA in Canada used indigenous children for its MK-Ultra experiments, which consists of mind control through trauma and the use of LSD. Those of the FBI and those of the CIA are the same as Nazis and in exactly the same way they are New Age.
I, who was a New Age in my past, for me it is no coincidence that many of the first who claimed to have contact with extraterrestrials (contactees) were people from the United States and European countries where they affirmed that good extraterrestrials such as Pleiadians and Venusians are tall, blue eyes, blonde hair and white skin, and that the bad guys were the small grays and the reptilians, affirming the lie that the gods in the shape of a snake or dragon were reptilian extraterrestrials and not energies of nature.
Creoles and mestizos in Costa Rica have never invaded black properties in Limón and have never expelled blacks from Limón.
In Costa Rica, Restauración Nacional is a right-wing party to which an evangelical named Fabricio Alvarado, who is a friend of Agustín Laje, Eduardo Newton Cruickshank Smith belongs to this party, who is a black man from Limón, and many black people are conservative. We must also remember the soccer player Hernán Medford from Costa Rica who has a macho, conceited and aggressive way of being and expressing himself.
In Cuba the Spanish colonizers exterminated the indigenous people of the Taino ethnic group, and in Haiti and the Dominican Republic the Spanish colonizers murdered all the indigenous people. But, now Haiti and the Dominican Republic are owned by blacks and governed by blacks, and in Cuba there are also many blacks.
Something that defenders of colonization like the Hispanistas say is that if it were not for colonization, Creoles and mestizos would walk around naked or in loincloths. To begin with, Creoles and mestizos are not indigenous, and if colonization had not occurred on this continent there would be no criollos and there would be no mestizos.
That, on the one hand, and on the other hand they talk as if being naked or semi-nude was something harmful to the indigenous people, when in reality it was part of the life of the indigenous people, throughout the continent in many indigenous ethnic groups people walked totally naked in some ethnic groups, in others they used loincloths and in others, although they wore more clothing, they always got completely naked when doing some ceremonies or rituals, and the use of body paint all over the body was also normal.
In indigenous ethnic groups such as those who live in Xingu in Brazil or the Huaorani in Ecuador, it is still normal to go naked, although in younger people this is already being lost due to the influence of those who are not indigenous and many, unfortunately, already belong to Christian religions.
The fact is that being naked and semi-nude was not something that would harm them in the slightest, because they did not see that as something bad, nor as something backward, only in the colonial mentality that is seen as backwardness, and the vision that The indigenous people had nudity and sexuality was totally different from that of Christianity and the West.
It was even the same in the Philippines before suffering the invasion of the Spanish colonizers, who unfortunately currently, like in the Philippines, many have the Western mentality, there is a lot of poverty, destitution, children on the streets and taking drugs, cities and rivers full of garbage, and livestock that raises bulls, cows, sheep and goats.
YouTube and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X) and others also allow photos and videos of hunting for pleasure, bullfighting and cockfighting, stating that they are European customs and traditions that must be respected.
But, the photos and videos of those indigenous ethnic groups where they go naked, use body paint all over their bodies, fight naked in fights like the Huka Huka, and get naked for ceremonies and rituals like the Arranhadeira ritual, which is a purification ritual where They shave their entire body with the teeth of a fish until they bleed, even though they are customs and traditions of those indigenous ethnic groups, YouTube and social networks do not respect them and they do censor them.
Bathala and Apolaki…page 7
Pachamama and Amaru…page 8
Ixchel, Yum Kaax, Kukulkan and Aluxes…page 8
Tupá, Jaci and Guaraci…page 10
Laka and Lono…page 11
Mayari and Lakapati…page 12
Diwatas and Duwendes…page 12
Yurlunggur and Wandjinas…page 13
Ritual to Apolaki and Bathala…page 15
Ritual to Pachamama and Amaru…page 18
Ritual to the Mayan deities…page 21
Ritual to the Guaraní deities…page 24
Ritual to Laka and Lono…page 27
Ritual to Mayari and Lakapati…page 29
Ritual to the Diwatas and the Duwendes…page 31
Ritual to Yurlunggur and the Wandjinas…page 33
Song of Light and Firmness (Bathala and Apolaki)…page 35
Song of Abundance and Light (Pachamama and Amaru)…page 36
Song of Life and Wisdom (Ixchel, Yum Kaax, Kukulkan and Aluxes)…page 38
Song of Light and Protection (Tupá, Jaci and Guaraci)…page 39
Song of Love and Harmony (Laka and Lono)…page 41
Song of Light and Abundance (Mayari and Lakapati)…page 43
Song of Guardians and Spirits (diwatas and duwendes)…page 44
Song of Snake and Rain (Yurlunggur and Wandjinas)…page 46
Download by clicking: Livestock, colonialism, climate change and indigenous
The next seventh free book in PDF called THE EVIL AND IGNORANCE OF THE MAJORITY was added on August 27, 2024 and it is very important that you read it like the other six books. Download by clicking: THE EVIL AND IGNORANCE OF THE MAJORITY